
Responses from bgeofft-duplicate-0

Need advice: replace woofer of Harbeth
Even though the Radial driver is the crown jewel in the Harbeth crown, that replacement cost is obscene but then so is the newest MSR on 30.1 in Canada/US. I'd contact all Harbeth dealers in Canada/US one by one. 
Move from my LS3/5A orig ownr to Harbeth which
The 30.1's are quite overpriced in US, but others will opine "whatever the market will bear" or "..even at the price a bargain" - well la-de-da for them, most of us aren't professional reviewers or insiders who get a price break. Betcha in less th... 
Help me replace my Rotel 1072
The RCD-1072 was best CDP I've owned for anywhere near the money. 
The Weavers
More often than not one can ascertain the maturity of some people by their provocative and/or inane forum posts even though you don't know them from Adam. 
Aging and Treble and Income?
I think more than a few of us older audiophiles should address acquiring the best we can afford, properly fitted hearing aids before spending more money on "better" audio equipment. 
DAC to replace Sony 5400
Computer Audio forum requests your participation now. DSD downloads are rather slim in these early days and your XA5400ES could play a huge library of SACD discs (especially if you love classical), and with the VSE or Modwright upgrades could real... 
Alternative PC for Audience Adept Response AR12T
There is no AU24 "e" Powerchord, but don't feel bad as several published audio reviewers have repeatedly stated the same thing. 
Any "The Civil Wars" Fans?
Thanks for posting. The Mercury Living Presence Civil War discs 1 & 2 are worth a listen if you haven't heard them. Some of the most beautiful sounds I remember are of a capella voices streaming out of a Baptist church down in Dixie (Georgia) ... 
Trip to NYC, What to do
If you can swing it visit Smalls at 183 W 10th St. 
Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone SACD
Yup. I'm sure there is a crowd of us that love this disc, and some who have even shed a tear or two. I'll take a 180 here and recommend you give Terence Blanchard's Jazz in Film a spin as well even though Redbook only. Happy listening. 
Now That You've Ripped Your Entire Collection...
One day soon enough people will look back on today's computer audio systems with fond memories and some of the hardware will be in landfills along with the older yet disc players mouldering away into antiquity. Hopefully our kids and their kids wi... 
The profiteers have struck Squeezebox Touch $750
You should have seen the gouging after Hurricane Andrew. Hundreds of small time entrepreneurs along US 1 ready to help their fellow man for a fat price. Of course news reports said local politicians were outraged over this conduct, the same politi... 
Meridian sooloos, Olive 6HD, ??
Forget the colors and get either one or the other and enjoy the tunes.Yeah George you're right. The music matters most. 
Check these crazy bargain DSP bookshelfs.
This already discussed on another thread. Those tweeters perfect for an inadvertent skin puncture. 
Meridian sooloos, Olive 6HD, ??
Yioryos. Thanks for your comments. I stand corrected. Is the new Olive 6HD available with black and/or silver disc surround choice as well? Appealing to a younger market segment by loosening the buttoned-up attitude is fine, but few choose to wear...