

Responses from best-groove

VARIAC: Procedure??? 2 old 30 wpc tube amps, unused for 4 years
I found this, I consider it prudent but I think it is extremely correct 
SME service is terrible. Can’t buy any accessories from local dealers here in USA
PMI parts are as expensive as manuals.This is the key you need if you want to buy the original.https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203565369427?hash=item2f65710853:g:0fIAAOSwoERhHCok 
cassettes CAN sound better than vinyl.
I have had the CR7 for many years and I can say that there were no differences between record and cassette with distracted listening, but paying attention and dedicating more time to listening and comparing, 9 times out of 10 you have identified t... 
Aren't you sorry you missed out on this one? It's already sold out! LOL
The most expensive part of that table is the finish, aside from that it looks to be another cheap belt drive table. Exactly; only a beginner can believe that there is technology and innovation in that turntable that can motivate the purchase; l... 
Turntable Decision
Michell Gyrodec or if you can afford it Michell Orbe which are evergreens on which Michell always offers effective upgrades.Moreover, thanks to the customized arms, almost all the arms on the market can be applied, they are easy to adjust and do n... 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
Oh the follies of the wealthy! ohh no no no ..... the follies FOR the wealthy! 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. I on the other hand, would avoid OMA gear - tons of better stuff out there at a lesser price. Way overpriced. very wise opinion! That table is hideous, You would have to not let anyone in your audio room. i... 
Koetsu Tonearm (mid 80’s I think?)
Koetsu tonearm was made by Jelco which is highly regarded tonearm manufacturer today, they also made all Ortofon tonearms. exactly 
Audio Technica AT 666 vacuum disc
best-groove round elastic for men’s socks, what is that and where did you find it? I apologize, I have only read in this moment.I have owned it for a long time but you can find it in any resale of sewing threads and buttons, just ask.This thread ... 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
@knollbrent Might it be that people don’t want to deal with you? however to avoid misunderstanding, I was not asking to get a repair for my TT 101 nor did I want to ship it 7000 miles away for service; I was just trying to buy a sensor, then I wou... 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
@knollbrent Sorry if I'm confused, you weren't absolutely the person, on the contrary, I officially thank you for giving me directions where to try to ask but after trying I found the door closed. 
Technics SP 10 mc II. Worth looking at?
Looks nice @best-groove oh yeah 
Technics SP 10 mc II. Worth looking at?
Finding a SL 1000 MK2 NOS in the year 2021 is almost impossible, I feel happy because I have one that I don’t use due to lack of space.Currently I have found only aesthetically questionable SP10IIs for sale; if I have to spend 1200/1500$ to then d... 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
@chakster Mr. Brent could not or did not want to sell me any sensors, I practically found the door closed and with much disappointment I had to manage completely alone (after all, not everyone is like Nelson Pass) looking for compatible sensors by... 
Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
Took 11 month at JP’s lab practically on a par with the greek kalends! LoLluckily I learned to do it myself for repair turntables so that I no longer have to depend on anyone.