

Responses from best-groove

Sony PS-X9
The biggest contradiction wanting to make an example is that the same turntable sold on ebay has shipping costs of $ 250 or is offered free shipping while on Yahoo could easily cost over $ 1300 for shipping.I wonder how much sakè the Yahoo staff d... 
Sony PS-X9
I sent an email asking what the shipping cost would be. I’m waiting for a response. the automatic calculator on yahoo indicates scary prices regardless of the item; I have simulated some calculations and I have found that to send in Europe an ite... 
Sony PS-X9
Did anybody see the dp100m on eBay?  Do not remember if it was the DP 100 or the DP 100M but about two years ago I saw one on sale on ebay offered by a Japanese seller for about 20-22K $; he remained unsold for many months, then he was withdrawn... 
Sony PS-X9
Grab it, jose’!  
Sony PS-X9
across the US Canadian border and was nabbed for not declaring the correct value, this is another matter..it is a matter of saving money by buying the one from € 2650 to pay shipment and custom clearance ... it would drive a lot of money to make ... 
Sony PS-X9
although probably not had the refurb that the one on ebay says it has but still..... with the $ 10,000 surplus, do you know how many renovations of PS-X9 can be achieved? Many! 
Sony PS-X9
@lewm is a cheap turntable sold in the Japanese market; it is not even comparable to L07Dhttps://audio-heritage.jp/TRIO-KENWOOD/player/kp-07.html 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
Certainly the internal phono and the Ortofon cartridge already connected to 1500 will help many noobs that will approach the turntable for the first time; but I do not want to believe this product was designed only for people who want to buy entry... 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
Technics SL 1500C is announced an approximate price of around 800 € https://www.technics.com/us/news/20190107-sl-1500c/  
Sony PS-X9
The few I have seen, are at the $13K mark.   Not in europe. 
Sony PS-X9
LOL    13,000$  for the PS-X9 is a theft, if you see it every now and then on ebay around 6-7000$  and keep well. 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
simply the black version. 
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop
You're wrong. Not in this mode ahhh ook no problems; but this then? It remains blocked means that is that improvement? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rqmmcms1Tc 
JVC TT-101 Won't Stop
@gary7I saw the video, I could be wrong but I think that once the speed of 33.33 Rpm has been reached, the display should remain locked at the speed and not restart.It would serve the opinion of TT-101 owners working as @lewm  
Schiit Mani - any opinions ?
I read that it does not appreciate the connection of step-up transformers for mc heads with very low output.Can anyone confirm this?