
Responses from beheme

Looking for the king of mini monitors under $1500 REVIEW OF MANY MINI MONITORS, THE GUY IS A TRUSTWORTHY SOURCE. 
Looking for the king of mini monitors under $1500
Check other thread going on for near-field listening monitor that I started...plenty of good ideas, a little too pricy new but some used should fit in. 
Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
Actually, i like floorstanders when they behave like monitors with more "balls". Your suggestions are quite interesting, especially the DeVore Super 8. Tough for me to audition though. 
totem arro or rainmaker or von schweikert vr1
I had great sucess with 22wpc triode with Arros in a room 11*13, so much that I almost popped the woofer out! As a rule of thumb, tube power is as efficient as solid state power divided 2 to 2.5 (this is not universal but pretty close). So, if I w... 
totem arro or rainmaker or von schweikert vr1
Unless you want to rock the dorm and play at huge SPL, Arros better than Rainmaker based on my audition with a MF 3.2 integrated. And they completely disappear which is really coool! VR1 probably very good but Arros would be my known choice. Arros... 
Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
Thanks to all and also to those who sent me e-mails with thier opinions and sometimes offer. I will continue to enjoy suggestions but am leaning toward either the SR17, TSM-MX, Callisto or possibly a custom Taylo Ref by Tyler. Funny that we are so... 
Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
Any correlation between sensitivity and tonal balance? over the years, I found most high sensitivity speakers I listened to to be rather "thin" but again they were mostly French: JM Lab, Triangle, Cabasse...and other in the 86-89 db to be thicker ... 
Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
One more thing: isn't the Revelator tweeter a bit forward thus not necessarily adapted to nearfield listening? some of the models above use the Revelator and I would rather have a little more backward than forward sound. 
Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening
Let me add that I would rather have a thin than thick midrange as I have a sweet Mosfet and powerful amp. Anyone can recommend out of the list above recommended which one would be better?Tks, these are great suggestions and I will audition a short... 
Looking for non-boomy full range speakers
Good point, i will think about it and try a loaner as I liked the 906 but wanted to go deeper....FYI, I had a pair of SF Concerto (older model) in that same room and the bass (or mid-low) bloated like hell....but the amp may have been two soft and... 
Looking for non-boomy full range speakers
you room is 15*14...mine is 11*13...don't you think that this could negatively affect the result? I know we ar only talking a few feet less but I had in mind the 926 was fairly generous in lower mids? 
Looking for non-boomy full range speakers
I use a Linar 10, 5.1 integrated SS, sweet Mosfet. I have had my share of good monitors (Electra 906, SF Signum, Triangle Titus) so I can always go back to the 45Hz and up sound and live with it...but you know what this hobby is all about, finding... 
Looking for non-boomy full range speakers
Thanks, willing to spend $2500 used 
jm lab new profile
Replacement of Electra, better tweeter with performance close to the Berrylium one without the price, trickle down techno from Utopia Be range: possibly the real deal at a very realistic pricing (less than $3500 for the FL model) 
Cheap volume for large room
Tyler Accoustics...always some used or on sale items and a pair of 7Us or better, Linbrook system II should do the job well. Both are currently on sale on Agon for less than $3500. (not affiliated with Tyler by any means...just the best value on s...