

Responses from bdp24

Audio Rack Opinions
Though you want six shelves and your turntable up high, I'm with Mitch. Two 3-shelf racks side-by-side is the better way to go (get rid of the damn cats!). Here's a question: If you've been happy with your table wall-mounted, why not wall mount at... 
Joule Electra
Elliot Midwood at Acoustic Image in Studio City California is a long-time Joule-Electra dealer (the brand is still listed and pictured on his website). You could give him a call. 
Tossed between the horns Maggie 3A/PSB Gold I
Loudspeakers are the most personal of all the links in the Hi-Fi chain, and change the sound of music in the most profound way, IMO. My first great speaker was the original Tympani I-U (I've never learned what the U designated, other than to diffe... 
Disturbing "Sonic Trend" showing up on SOTA audio
As a musician and (somewhat) audiophile, I bought myself a pair of pretty nice omni-directional condenser mics J. Gordon Holt had recommended, and plugged them directly into my Revox A-77 reel-to-reel, in the simple spaced-omni configuration. I re... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
I did a three night gig a couple of years back with Jonny Kaplan, and he was getting great tone out of his simple set-up: A Les Paul Jr. (with two P-90 pickups) into a current Deluxe Reverb cranked just enough to put a little bite into the sound. ... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
I'll look into those Marty. I have been meaning to go play the Epiphone version of the J-200, which is pretty cheap, though how it sounds I don't know.Tostado, I've never heard an AC-15 by itself, only as a group of amps. Speaking of which, have y... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
There is one Fender combo amp I hope I never have to play with again---an early silver-face Twin Reverb. OMG what an obnoxious amp! I auditioned with a band in '71, the guitarist of which had that amp facing me with a Guild Starfire plugged into i... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Isochronism---Regarding tone, small amps cranked up is the key. In '69 I was a teenager in a band with a guitarist who, like many teenage guitarists at the time, had Eric Clapton as his role model. He therefore had a burgundy Gibson SG, plugged in... 
looking at upgrading my tonearm from a triplanar
I hear ya, brother! According to ARC, every Mk.2 version of every ARC product is a huge, dramatic transformation of the now unlistenable original. Some SP-10 owners probably traded in their pre-amp for the new SP-11 without thinking twice, soon th... 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
All great points Granny. I assume what Paravicini means is he can build a SS amp that sounds just like any of HIS tube amps. Including how it interacts with it's input (source), and it's output load (loudspeakers)? Given the output impedance of po... 
looking at upgrading my tonearm from a triplanar
Is the Mk.VII Triplanar a significant improvement over the Mk.VI, or merely incremental? 
Some Musical Truths
Hank Williams, my favorite philosopher! Dylan's too, I believe. 
List of Audio Tube Measured Noise Performance
Is the tube noise data significantly effected by the equipment used to measure it? Will your results pretty well match those of Roger Modjeski (RAM Tube Works) and Kevin Deal (Upscale Audio) if the same tube was to be tested by all three of you? O... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Chuck's style is SO iconic---it IS Rock 'n' Roll guitar! And though his playing is pretty basic, not requiring a lot of chops, remember the scene in "Hail Hail Rock & Roll" where Keith is playing the guitar part in "Oh Carol" (I think it was),... 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
Tim Paravicini (EAR-Yoshino) claims he can use either technology to achieve the same sound, but makes primarily tube products for marketing reasons (he does offer a few SS pieces). I don't know---it seems like he could sell a lot of tube-sounding ...