

Responses from bdp24

Eminent Technology LFT-8b in Harry's system
As does ET’s Bruce Thigpen! His TRW-17 Rotary Woofer is the product of a very creative and talented designer, unlike anything else in the field of audio engineering. Brilliant, I tells ya! There’s a guy over on the Planar Speaker Asylum who augmen... 
Herron 1A,, Herron 2A, Modwright LS100 or Aesthetix Calypso?
There is a VTSP-1A/166 on Audiogon right now, at an asking price of $1295. Buy it! 
Preamps with two main-outs
What I would do is disconnect the ic going to the amp/speakers not wishing to be heard, at the pre-amp end. 
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
Audio Advisor will also let you return their Pangea cables (within a certain length of time), should you decide they provided no improvement (or worse, as stereo5 found). But they are reputed to "flag" the name of customers who return product, so ... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
Two ideas regarding subs that I consider very true and important are:1- You shouldn’t hear a sub. A good subwoofer placed optimally in a room should just make the loudspeaker it is augmenting sound as if it now has response to a lower frequency. I... 
Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?
Mr. M, was the Last migration confirmed as the cause of the coils going bad, or just assumed? A single swipe of the Last applicator brush doesn't contain much liquid, not enough to migrate all the way up the cantilever to the coils, I would think.... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
I, like shadorne, thought of saving empty bathroom tissue rolls, gluing them together (with some in the middle cut shorter, to create a channel for the ic's, speaker cables, and power cords), and painting them black or brown (black to match the ca... 
What are some of the downsides of owning a Magneplanar .7 or 1.7i ?
I recently took a magnet, and tested all the parts on the terminal plates of a pair of Tympanis. The parts appear to be the same as on current models, and here’s what I found: The speaker terminals (those short little tubes into which you insert b... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Oh yeah, Rodney is great live! I saw him on his The Houston Kid tour, at The Roxy Theater. He was accompanied by only a guitarist and bassist, the latter Jerry Scheff (Elvis Presley, T-Bone Burnett), the absolute best bass player I've seen live. A... 
Rythmik L12 or F12
Rythmiks are gaining a reputation amongst planar speaker owners, particularly Maggies. Most subs are designed for home theater, but Rythmik owner/designer Brian Ding is concerned first with music reproduction. The co-designer of the paper-coned wo... 
Speaker cable recommendations with Magnepan .7s
Clear Day Double Shotgun. An 8' pair sell for $450 new, I got mine used for $250. Great with Maggies and Eminent Technologys. 
John Atkinson's thoughts on the New Vandersteen System Nine from LA Show
I too think very highly of Mr. Vandersteen and his products. But if I was going to add a very expensive sub to an already full range loudspeaker, it would be the Eminent Technology TRW-17 Rotary Sub---flat to 0 Hz! 
Speaker Placement woes
All for a pair of Linn loudspeakers? Why bother? ;-) 
Rythmik L12 or F12
The Rythmik L12 and F12 have these things in common: They were both designed by Brian Ding, owner of Rythmik, a very knowledgeable and talented designer. They both have 12" drivers. And they both have the Rythmik Direct Servo-Feedback circuit buil... 
Porter Port break in ?
Do ya'll have the isolated ground Porter, or the non-isolated?