
Responses from bcretty

Vinyl comeback now, cassette tapes next?
Cassette's are actually quite trendy now within the uber hipster music scene. It's so much cheaper to record on a cassette then make a 7" record. Obviously the sound quality is sub par and that's why the lo-fi indie hipsters love it. It's also ret... 
Should I mod my original MHDTParadisea or uprade
I'm currently using a WE 396a tube and pleasantly satisfied with the results. I will wait and see how the version 3 compares to the original. I'm also interested in getting a Havana as well but if the difference is marginal I will pass. As far as ... 
DIY Flexi First attempt.
Thanks for all the help guys. 
DIY Flexi First attempt.
First of all I'm using 4 rods for more stability alah member Slipknot1 and second no one has answered my original question, sheeez.... So, again... how far in from the corners should I drill the holes for my 5/8" metal rods? Thank you.Brian 
Will high price HDMI cable makes a difference?
I always find it amusing when people make comments stating the higher priced monster cable's "dramatically" improve quality. I will not deny the fact there is an improvement but i will say that the same dramatic improvement can also be had for a g... 
Internet radio stations that sound really good
www.lastfm.com is another good source.Bri 
Internet radio stations that sound really good
www.pandora.com Create your own radio ststion. Sounds good through my edirol ua-25 and paradisea dac.Bri 
What format are most people using, and why?
Now I use EAC to rip directly to FLAC and J.River Media Center as my media player. Nothing else compares. 
What format are most people using, and why?
Use EAC to wav. Then use Itunes to convert the wav to apple lossless.Instructions found here.http://www.stevehoffman.tv/forums/archive/index.php/t-81756.html 
Your Music Server
I use Slimserver with a fully RWA modded Squeezebox 3 connected to a MHDT Paradisea tube DAC via cheap glass optical cable in my living room rig. I also use JRiver Media Center with my notebook and an Edirol UA-25 in my bedroom rig. All my CD's we... 
Need speaker/ interconnect cables for tube set up
Thank you for the Reality Cable suggestion. I will give it a look. 
Need speaker/ interconnect cables for tube set up
I was looking in the $500 range for both total. Good Pt about contacting Ty. That was too odvious. That should have been the first thing I did. Thanks. 
Audiosector Patek and Taylo Ref Monitors?
I'm leaning towards the Sound Quest sq-88 tube intergated. After spending sometime with Stephen, owner of Quest for Sound, I was quite impressed with his sq-84. He's local and I would much rather support a local dealer and desighner of the sq-88. 
Audiosector Patek and Taylo Ref Monitors?
Thanks for the advice. I wil definitely check it out.Later. 
Need speaker recommendation for modded asl wave 20
20 Watts... hense the wave 20.Thnaks