
Responses from bbopman

Snow Leopard and audio quality
Can someone explain what is meant by a "clean install"? Can it be done on a general purpose iMac or is this only for dedicated Macs used in music systems?Thanks 
USB Length, jitter and Volume Control Questions
Steve N: Could you elaborate on the issues with Apple TV or direct me to another discussion or send a private email? I currently use Apple TV with a PS Audio DAC and have been pretty happy, but I would like to extract the best sound I can. My libr... 
Help with iTunes library failure after SnowLeopard
I have a related problem. After I upgraded, my album art would not appear in Cover Flow or on my Apple TV. I found that by opening each album separately, it would show up in Cover Flow, but not on the ATV.Anyone have any ideas? 
A new Apple TV Question
Thanks for all the replies. Strangely, this has partially resolved itself. After almost a week, I noticed that somehow both Apple TV's are now recognized and up and running. I still haven't gotten my iPod Touch to work correctly. Now when I open "... 
A new Apple TV Question
Thanks for the replies. Will check out the Apple Forums when I have a bit more time. What is strange is that I previously posted the question of whether you can disconnect the ATV and reconnect and was told by a couple of 'Goners that they hadn't ... 
Apple TV/Ipod questions
OK, where did I go wrong? I finally got around to installing a new Apple TV in my main rig. When I unplugged my original (which was working fine) from the main system and plugged it in to my second system, it is no longer recognized on iTunes (or ... 
Pandora/Safari/Airfoil Question
Thanks 4est. Could you elaborate? I am not familiar with "Spaces".Thanks for taking the time to respond. 
Self Powered Outdoor Speakers
Sadly, the Crutchfield site notes that these are not recommended for outdoor use due to the built in amplifiers. 
Best way to move PC audio outdoors
Thanks Lindesfarne.Anyone have suggestions for weather proof self powered speakers? 
Best way to move PC audio outdoors
Lindisframe: Are the AE speakers weatherproof? I am looking for a permanent installation. 
Best way to move PC audio outdoors
Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, I have no way to run speaker cable from inside the house to the speakers. That's why I am thinking about self powered speakers. I have thought about putting an Airport Express inside a weatherproof electrical... 
Apple TV/Pandora
Thanks again BCH. Downloaded Airfoil over the weekend. It works great. Just wish the Pandora screen on my PC would also appear on the TV connected to the ATV. 
Apple TV/Pandora
Thanks BCH. I will give it a look. $25 would be well spent to access Pandora on my main rig.Now that there is an app for the iPod to access Pandora, you would think that there would be a way to use it to access Pandora directly from the ATV.Thanks... 
Apple TV/Pandora
Thanks Bluecirclehead. Can you elaborate? I am not familiar with Airfoil. How does it work with the Apple TV?Thanks for your reply. 
Apple TV/Ipod questions
Thanks Sammie. I'll give it a try.Thannks for your help.