

Responses from bblilikoi

Experiences with ModWright Sony 999ES
In my systems, the Modwright Sony 999ES sounded brightish with some amplifiers--PrimaLuna One, Electrocompaniet ECI 3, Aragon 8008ST/Rotel RC 995--but mostly warm and sweet with others--Cary SLI-80 and Edge NL-10/Modwright SWL 9.0. On operatic voi... 
Experiences with ModWright Sony 999ES
Yes, I talked to Dan Wright and he also like the Audience PC as well as the Acoustic Zen El Nino and Tsunami PCs. I don't know the other ones you recommended, though. Thanks! 
Experiences with ModWright Sony 999ES
I discovered a Modwright Sony 999ES player while going to audition an Audio Aero Capitole. The Sony was splendid with voices and a dud with Beethoven's "Eroica." But it was using a poor stock power cord. Anyway, poor PC and all, it was the sweetes... 
Cal Audio Labs CL-15
Jameswei,Thanks. Actually, the EC amp has different source selections for each type of paired sockets. I think, then, that the XLR and RCA ICs were inputting via different source selections as well as sockets, but the EC amp still shut down the RC... 
Cal Audio Labs CL-15
Jameswei--The PrimaLuna One's input impedance is 100k ohms, Input sensitivity 300mV. Viz. Description: Single-box line-level tube preamplifier and push-pull tube power amplifier. Tube complement: two each 12AX7A, 12AU7, EL34. Inputs: 4 single-ende... 
Cal Audio Labs CL-15
I tried hooking up a pair of XLR ICs and a pair of RCAs out of both sets of outputs from the CL-15, but the preamp of my integrated amp, an Electrocompaniet ECI 3, may be shutting down the RCA input circuits. I'll try it on the PrimaLuna Prologue ... 
Is there a difference in balanced cables??
Audphile 1 -- It makes sense to me that the AZ Silver Ref MkII would be much better in your system, which uses the AZ speaker cables. I recently experienced a dramatic demonstration of cabling synergy with Analysis Plus cables. Using AP Oval 12 sp... 
Is there a difference in balanced cables??
Can you describe the differences? 
Prima Luna amp or preamp best speaker -Help
Stereotypes in Portland is now an authorized PrimaLuna dealer. Nice folks with a terrific reputation. 
Is there a difference in balanced cables??
THANK YOU. A friend also wrote that I may have misunderstood what the dealer was saying, though I do know that components with XLR connections may not be fully blananced. Can you tell me what a multi-meter is and where to get one? This would be a ... 
Is there a difference in balanced cables??
I'm fairly new at this, so forgive me if my question sounds silly. For the past three months, I've been swapping my balanced ICs back and forth, switching from a Kimber Kable KCAG which tended to be bright and sometimes edgy in my system, to a Mon... 
shunyata hydra 2 vs. ps audio ultimate outlet
I'm curious about the Hydra and PS Audio UO as well, along with the Chang Lightspeed, for my own two systems--integrated tube and SS amps, Sonus Faber speakers, redbook CD players, various power cords. Aren't these power conditioners all about the... 
Powercord for PrimaLuna One
I dropped down a notch and ordered an xStream Plus. It arrived just within the half hour and already I've tried it out on 2 components. It didn't match so well with the Cal Audio Labs CD player--for which it was also recommended. There was just th... 
CDP Upgrade
I'm curious what Hammergjh ended up with. Did you get the Cary 303/300 and how are you feeling about it? I myself looked at it and the Cary 308T, as I've decided tubed CDPs for my own system, including the BAT VT5/VT5SE and a few others--Lector 0.... 
Which way to go? Airport Express or USB interface
Thanks for these responses. It's now clear re the difference between USB and Airport. So, if I go via Airport Express, should I connect an outboard DAC to it and then to my amp? Or is it possible to do without the outboard DAC? The files I have no...