
Responses from bartokfan

what is the difference between good and bad music
Tobias I 'll give a few of my top say, 10 favs. As the list after 10 represents not so much fav composers, as a few fav workd from the composer. IOW I only like a select few of Wagner's operas, Parsifal, Tristan And isolde, The Ring...and then eve... 
what is the difference between good and bad music
Rap is kinda like some sort of coded message that only a few can understand what all the lingo means. I guess they believe rap helps them to understand what the heck is going on in their world, helps that crowd to deal with current issues. As does... 
what is the difference between good and bad music
Mrtennis, if all you heard since childhood is "BEETHOVEN IS GREAT" a thousnad X's. You really don't know if this is true or not, until FIRST you are old enough/experienced from hearing many other composers.What age that is, depends on the individu... 
what is the difference between good and bad music
I like some of lrsky's ideas, agree good music should reflect who we are, somehow is connected to our soul. But of course we all have different degrees in soul, roughly said. ..."bad music is annoying" Agree, what we claim as bad grates on our ner... 
What don't you like about these speakers?
"I am not going to consider other speakers"...but why? Put them all contenders on the board. Thats how I do things. Process of elimination. Good Luck. 
Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?
Well actually i do not own the A88, as yet. But soon will. If I could sell the Jadis OR for a fair price, I'd get the A88 sooner, rather than later. the set up will be Thor/Cayin 17/A88. this should happen oh by....july.I'll post a note upon arriv... 
Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?
The Jadis D88 goes for like $9K, the Cayin A88 for like $1500. Heck you can get the Tyler's + cayin 17 + A88 for LESS THAN the DA88. juaudio, what say you? 
Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?
Cayin A88/$1400 little $'s. 
Best "album" of 2006
Ck out Blessed Yes' song called Trace on their web site or their myspace site. They are a local band here in Baton Rouge. They ROCK!Going #1 next yr, you watch.My choice of best "Indie" music. Takes you back to late 60's/early 70's. Yet has a time... Classical Search Engine
I've been doing classical music research on amazon for 3 yrs now. Lets say I'm looking for a listing I have on vinyl and hope to find it on cd. I type in Ravel/Oistrakh.And sure enough, shows a new listing of the Ravel and Rachmaninov trios as pla... 
Good Advice
I have hundreds of hours in research finding the best of the best recordings of classical music. Invested $$$'s in my collection over the past 6 yrs. Kept 500+ cds, sold off during the apst 4 yrs and lost to katrina last yr...oh about another 500 ... 
Personal amp evolution
I never understood why anyone would even consider buying SS amps when for the smae price or even less you can get a much better sounding tube amp.Beats me?????????????Paul 
Personal amp evolution
Started with Jadis, now ends with Cayin.Had to move on to the best, if you know what I mean.How you like then apples, Trejla.hehe....Respectfullypaul 
Point me in the right direction
have to do your DD, due diligence. You have lots of homework to to do reading over hundreds of topics here. 
integrated tube amp recommendations, with remote
Read "my friend had the B300 Cayin"As with you, its great with certain sensitive speakers, but I need the extensions offered from the A88.Hopefully my next amp