
Responses from bartokfan

What speakers can make a convert of Maggie lovers?
i heard the maggie 1.6, Cabasse, Spendor 8, with a ARC amp + pre and a super crummy Cal Labs cdp, last week.I suggest you try a Tyler. 
Ask for opinions all you want, remember its only a opinion, which does not make it truth. I know from reading all the stuff written about the Spendor 8 to be a bunch of bunk. And that is the truth, not an opinion. 
ss players vs tube players
I had a Cayin 15 with both tube and ss outs, I much prefered the tube outs. My current player has tubes and feel no need to "go back" to a ss player. The way Trelja describes his ss out, "smooth, richer" is the way I heard the tube on the 15 vs th... 
Speaker recomendations please
Take a look at Tyler's web site. Need help, send a PM.. 
Trying out a tube preamp
And the ss stuff continues to lose its following. So sad. But hey, as jjmali says, once you start on the road of tubes, its all about the music.You could sell your ss stuff and get a big Cayin intergrated tube, like the Tri88, the big brother to t... 
cayin cdt 17a vs. consonance cd 2.2
Have not heard the Consonance, but did have the Cayin 15, a nice cdp, but the tubes were changed out by original ower to Bugle Boys. Then i bought the 17 last summer, really nice sound, abit better than the 15, and worth the price. built like a ta... 
I'm Ready to go TUBE
Dean, welcome to the world of tubes. of course not all tube amps are equal. You gotta do your research, other than asking questions here. I bought my JOR with no advice from anyone here. i made my own decision based on hours of research. i hope yo... 
solid state power amps, golden oldies
I'm not so sure the oldies were "golden". especially when you hear a high quality tube amp of recent yrs. Could never go back to ss after i know a good tube. btw I bought a used Marantz 250 last summer, was going to use it for bass supply on dual ... 
The most emotional amp out there?
Nrchy hopefully you did not buy any Audio Research or Rogue, 2 of the least emotional amps I've heard. 
The most emotional amp out there?
Go read Buzzkill's comments in his Cayin ad, just sold. Buzzkill please reproduce your comments on the A88 here.Thanks 
CDP build quality
Yrs ago a friend had to ship his new Cary back 2 manybe 3X's for repairs.NAD and Rotel avoid. 
Horning Hybrid speaker recommendations
Trelja just emailed a link to his post here about his visit to the 2006 New York VTV show. We were talking about Cayin, but i see he mentioned a speaker I was not aware of, the Horning. Being very impressed with Trelja's insight and knowledge on f... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference bias adjustment?
Pierre will talk to you for an hour about the Jadis line. I think he realizes Jadis expects him to make sure their product is understood by newcommers to Jadis. Besides Jadis' exclusive rights to making the finest tube amps may be slightly altered... 
How to get the most out of Jadis DA50S?
All Jadis can accept any ohm's. Please translate your last sentence. 
How to get the most out of Jadis DA50S?
Ahhhh lucky you with a DA50. Go ahead make us all druel....You must have bought it used, no manuel. The 4 posts are for the WONDERFUL option of biwiring, I'm sure of it. Or is it as Jay says 4 or 8 ohm option which is also quite a perk. ? Not sure...