
Responses from barrelchief

12V On/Off Options for Amps do not have this
Jhoak & Yogiboy:Thank you both for the recommendations. Both devices appear exactly what I need for this application.Do you use these in your system? Have you done comparrisions to see if there is a performance loss with these in between your ... 
12V On/Off Options for Amps do not have this
...looking for a "plug-n-play" option that works as I described above.I'm not looking to modify the amp in any way, and I want to plug the amp (as directly as possible) into a dedicated circuit that already exists, again, without modification.Than... 
APS Pure Power A/C Regenerators
Thanks for keeping the comments coming, guys. Does the 2000 get warm? If so, does it get hot enough to make a room noticably warmer, like some tube amps do?Thanks. 
Sonos Products
I've had a Sonos system for around 4 years. I have a ZP-100 and several ZP-80's (generation before ZP-90.)My experience has been that the system is great for general listening/background music. Even with mods, it does not compete in sound quality ... 
Vintage Wire Recorder, Air King Model A750-A
Thanks Al.This should cool everyone's jets and bring some peace amongst certain family members who are being led to believe that is is worth big $.Great info. Thank you for sharing. 
APS Pure Power A/C Regenerators
Has anyone had any negative experiences with the Pure Power 2000? 
APS Pure Power A/C Regenerators
Thanks guys...I appreciate the feedback.Jebsmith, why are you using two of the 2000 units; is there not enough output capacity in a single 2000 for your system?Keep the comments coming, please. 
Moscode 402AU vs Modwright KWA-150
Should be later this year, Mark.Though the temptation will be overwhelming to try the new amp, I'd love if you could do this in steps and report on the X-over upgrade with your previous amp, and then introduce the 150 to your system, once you are ... 
Moscode 402AU vs Modwright KWA-150
RAL:The DA-1's are 6 ohm speaks.I think it's fair to say that hybrid is exactly what the Moscode sounds like. It shares some of the desirable strengths of both tube and ss amplification.I have done a small amount of tube rolling with some NOS tube... 
Moscode 402AU vs Modwright KWA-150
Some likely changes in my home will make my tube amp impractical. Not wanting to give up all of the tube "magic," I recently purchased a new Moscode amp to use with my Daedalus DA-1's.It is a fantastic amp and I have already grown to appreciate th... 
VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks
Franz:I see that you listed your 300.1 for sale.Why not pick up a 2nd 300.1, run them in mono and have the best of both worlds...vivid AND organic???  
VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks
I too was wondering this. I suspect, for about the same $, that running a pair of 200's in mono may slightly outperform a stereo 300.1. However, I have not heard the 200.If you want the real answer, call Kevin @ VAC. Im sure he'd give you an hones... 
PS Perfect wave power cord
Thanks Jon.JP, Beware! I beleive that several months ago, I did read on PS Audio's website that there are some non-legitimate cables being sold on the web.They are up there with customer service and may be willing to guide you, if you give them a ... 
PS Perfect wave power cord
Jon2020:What PC were you using on your source before the PS AC-12? 
Aesthetix Calypso with SS power amp: good or bad ?
I too had great success with the Calypso and SS power amps...with an Electrocompaniet EMC-1 front end.