
Responses from barnettk

Bad experience with Red Dragon Audio
@educeus Its interesting that you had a phone number for Red Dragon Audio. They no longer list a phone number on their website, and the only way to contact them now is via email. Maybe you only get the phone number if you have actually received a ... 
Bad experience with Red Dragon Audio
@bensturgeon SMH. Sorry you had to go through that. At least they gave you a refund I hope. I was not taking the chance waiting on a phone call as that phone call never happened to date. I guess with my dispute there is no reason to call st this p... 
Bad experience with Red Dragon Audio
@whitestix @rotarius I hate to flame on an audio dealer also, and that is not my intent, however it is what it is. Also using a CC is a great advantage however you do not have an infinite amount of time for a dispute. Been down that road also. Lik... 
Bad experience with Red Dragon Audio
Yeah I get that, and I am patient. My problem is lack of response and the fact that it did not ship when promised. Sorry I do t have patience for that. It's not the amount but the principle. Business is business. If your buying s product on line a... 
Bad experience with Red Dragon Audio
Audio Research PH7
@gerardff i agree that ARC should have found the problem with the unit when In for the upgrade based on the checklist that they say the do whenever the unit comes in for service. However I can see them missing it if it was not exhibiting the sympt... 
Audio Research PH7
  Hi guys well we found the problem with the PH7. The mute relay was bad. The tech found the problem in about an hour including the time it took to fail. Right under $200 to fix the problem. Hopefully we have had our glitch for this mission. Thank... 
Hi guys well we found the problem with the PH7. The mute relay was bad. The tech found the problem in about an hour including the time it took to fail. Right under $200 to fix the problem. Hopefully we have had our glitch for this mission. Thanks ... 
@noromance I dropped it off at my local guys shop yesterday and we discussed this. It is one of the approaches he is going to take. Hopefully by cooling down whatever component is causing the problem will make for a faster turnaround. Otherwise he... 
@cleeds The mute button does work. it actually works a little to good lol.. This problem happens when I "unmute" but I get where  your coming from. If the mute feature has any time of problem its not a good thing as the unit stays in mute during w... 
@yogiboy Hi Yogiboy. Yea with my other Phono stage that does not have a mute button I just simply roll the volume down. The mute button is very nice to have especially since it has a remote as well. Its not a show stopper however if its a bad circ... 
@dweller I have deduced with further testing that the problem is temp related. If I remove the cover and allow more ventilation the problem does not occur. Once the cover is put back on 15 mins later its back so I am thinking a resistor that is se... 
Audio Research PH7
@wlutke Good to know on reseting the tube hours. I figured there had to be a way to do it since tubes can be replaced. I agree that the PH7 is an outstanding pre. Great sound staging and very quiet even though I have not had the power supply upgra... 
Audio Research PH7
Ok just took a look and yes there are several large electrolytic Caps on the main board. A couple on the piggy back board that the front panel buttons connect to. Visually they do not look bad i.e not deformed, or none are leaning or discolored.  
Audio Research PH7
Randy-11 according to the shipping labels on the box it was shipped from ARC in 08.. it has been used since then but obviously with only 3 hours on the tubes not much since then