

Responses from baranyi

Are Apogee Scintilla Speakers worth purchasing
How does the original Apogee full range speaker stack up against the other Apogee speakers listed above sonically and for the ability to be repaired? What amplifiers can drive these beasts? 
Apogee speakers repairable?
Are there any Technicians who do these repairs in the Midwest? 
Review: Audio Research SP-6b Tube preamp
How does the SP-6b differ sonically from the SP-6c? 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Buy a Tivoli model 2 with a subwoofer for 240 dollars and forget about anything else. 
Best CDP under $1000 for Roksan Caspian Amp?
I have the Rotel 1072 and like it very much. See the thread about whether the 1072 deserves product of the year from The Absolute Sound. 
Rotel 1072: Deserving of product of the year?
I was wondering if anyone has replaced the power cord and if it makes a major difference? I have the 1072 and like it very much. I haven't auditioned it against other players. I had a dealer bring it to my house and use an extension cord and it so... 
Average Price Spent for Speakers
Lrsky, my recollection from other posts is that you now have a position at Von Schweikert. You will be able to appreciate this purchase being influenced by cosmetics. I was recently looking for good used speakers that were about 5 years old. I had... 
my $686 stereo system, laugh if you want...
Bottomsup, I had ADS 710's many years ago and they were wonderful. Great job and like the other's said on this thread....just enjoy the music. Audiophiles can get so caught up in splitting hairs! With the money you saved go to a few concerts. That... 
VTL 5.5 or Audible Illusions L2 linestage
Charlee thanks for your thoughts. I am drooling at the thought of both the Supratek and the Berning. 
Tuner recommendations
Ltkije, What a great site that you posted! It got me fired up about tuners! Too bad that most stations today sound terrible! 
VTL 5.5 or Audible Illusions L2 linestage
Audio_Buff, Thanks for you thoughts on this topic and it was good seeing you yesterday. Bob 
VTL 5.5 or Audible Illusions L2 linestage
Charliee, I have been on the fence on buying the Supratek. I have posted a couple of times on the big Supratek web site. As soon as I think that I am about to order from Mick, someone tells me that I must get the vibe or the First Sound etc. The t... 
Best integrated under $1500 with Phono
Spencer, Thanks again for your input. What you say makes a lot of sense. I will let you know what I do. There is a couple of month wait on the Berning but I really want one. A question about your BAT gear, what cable did you use since one is suppo... 
Best integrated under $1500 with Phono
Sbank, thanks for your comments! I am actually all over the board on this topic. I wanted to see what was available in a reasonably priced integrated because this hobby can get expensive in a hurry. My middle tier option at the moment is to get ei... 
How long to burn in Rotel rcd 1072?
I must say after allowing the Rotel to burn in for a month that it sounds tremendous! Amazing sound for the price!