
Responses from baranowski

floor standing speakers for surrounds?
The elite has advanced mcacc. After the room correction being done, i changed the speakers to the small setting. the speaker distance was all done by the receiver.i am using direct speakers for my sides. also direct for the two rears. i did not se... 
home theater processor suggestions?
I can not seem to find much information on the nad. does it have all the requirements that i have listed at the op? also, i.understand the possible difference in sound that a processor would have do to there not being an amp that would add heat to... 
floor standing speakers for surrounds?
If you could tell me where i would find that, i will let you know. graphs as far as in the owners manual or when i use the room correction and the receiver makes all the changes and it will have graphs? 
home theater processor suggestions?
I guess i need to get my hands on the marantz to listen to it. i would assume that i would have to hear a difference between it and my elite. the both decode the same and both have room correction... i just wonder will i notice a difference at all... 
home theater processor suggestions?
Thank you. i guess beside the anthem those are the other choices. 
floor standing speakers for surrounds?
I run room correction... not sure where i could see "suckouts" 
floor standing speakers for surrounds?
Recently.changed my crossover from 80 to 60 watched two movies today and no huge difference. i was hoping the floor standers would bring about a fuller sound. but there are two thoughts on that idea. i might be able to get another set of 804"s" fo... 
home theater processor suggestions?
My pre to my amp is 8 foot rca, shelded. my biggest upgrade was the p5 amp that i got used at an amazing low price. what set off all of the upgrading was the purchase of the b&w 804"s" and htm4"s". now i was thinking about the processor but so... 
floor standing speakers for surrounds?
Well the one guy said that floor standing speakers are a waste... I don't thin i am going to a couple hundred page book though. any other ideas? 
home theater processor suggestions?
Besides the xlr connection what will i be gaining? what exactly does the xlr provide over rca connections? 
floor standing speakers for surrounds?
O...ok... just was surprised about the comment... but that make sense. 
home theater processor suggestions?
Would the sound be a step up from what i am running now? 
floor standing speakers for surrounds?
I as under the impression that after getting to a higher quality amp, the differences between the amps is more a matter how how they make the speaker sound. not so much a "better" amp just more preference on what the listener wants. 
home theater processor suggestions?
Thoughts or suggestions? 
floor standing speakers for surrounds?
Better amp for my fronts? i use the p5 for the front three and the two sides. am i missing something? a better amp? i was under the impression the p5 was a "better" ampBill