
Responses from badri

Ayre Codex DAC-pre to power amp
@tomic601 I got my Codex yesterday. While it is too early to say what it’s sound is, given that it needs about 200 hours to break in, I can already say that the midrange is liquid, the highs are silky (though, just a bit bright) and the soundstage... 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@1extreme Ah, I see! What sort of streamer are you looking at? A mac mini + plex/jriver or a dedicated streamer?I just got my ayre codex and auralic aries mini yesterday. The soundstage is massively different already though both components need so... 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@mapman You are dead right about the sub-dudes. They make a fairly dramatic difference to the sound quality. With them under my speakers, the amount of bass is vastly reduced, but it is now a lot tighter & faster, which is exactly what I wante... 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@mapman The platforms should arrive today. Will update this thread with the results of using them! Very excited! :) 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@ccolby Thank you so much for the link to that thread! Massively helpful! :) 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@1extreme I do intend to keep my tube amp. But I don't have the space to stash the set of speakers in my average sized San Francisco apartment. So I might have to make some compromises there despite how attractive two systems sound. :)Thanks once ... 
Codex as pre or new CD Player
@jetson I just finished speaking to folks at Ayre as you can see in my thread about the Codex. They were quite unambiguous in stating that the Codex output could very much be fed directly into a power amplifier. That said, according to them, the c... 
Ayre Codex DAC-pre to power amp
@stringreen I just called Michael at Ayre. He was quite unambiguous in stating that the Codex output could very much be fed directly into a power amplifier. He did add the caveat that the codex was designed first as a DAC and a headphone amplifier... 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@mapman In case of bookshelf or stand-mounted speakers, do you place the whole stand on the sub-dude platform? Or do you place the sub-dude between the top of the stand and the speaker? 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@jl35 Will get back in touch with them. Thank you so much!In the meantime, a couple of pairs of Totem Mani-2s have shown up here on the 'gon store. I have heard these (with much better amplification, of course) at a friend's place. I have written ... 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@mapman Amazon was back working this morning and I was able to put the order in for those pads. Thank you so much for your recommendation! Those pads should be arriving by Friday - so I should have the weekend to set things up and give them a list... 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@jl35 Unfortunately, that is what is slightly problematic. I cannot evaluate the speaker at home since the dealer doesn't allow for home demos. Would the smaller 206 fare better? I did not hear that model, but is it similar enough in sound that on... 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@xti16 Thanks you so much for once again confirming the speaker-first approach! 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@kjweisner I see that the Meridian 5200 are another active speaker pair. Thanks for pointing me in that direction! 
How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!
@ccolby Thank you so much for those links. Will definitely read up on those. I have been recommended active speakers every now and then, but I did not have the material I wanted to read more about high quality active speakers till now. Sincerely a...