
Responses from backgroundblur

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Brief update...I met with Frank. His system is almost as amazing as he is. The best part is, the whole time we were listening to it, all we did was talk about the music, not the system. About as good as it gets.Since, I have added a Synergistic Bl... 
Experience with Parasound P5?
I second the P7 recommend.  I own one, and at used prices, I think it's an upgrade from the P5.Regards,Jason 
Experience with Parasound P5?
I listened to one in my system.  It's pretty good.  It has a lighter, slightly delicate character, but it spotlights the highs.  Creates decent space, and very good width, and it is very musical.Hope that helps. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Thanks, Charles.  I envy wolf.  He is saving a lot of money :)Mac, you ever visit LA, shoot me a line.  I make a mean burger, and have plenty of beer on tap.Anyway, thanks to all of you.  As I said before, this thread has been of immense help.  Ev... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Ptss: I'm a photographer.  And, work in sales, but cameras, not audio gear.  The nickname came from people telling me I had a way that I blurred into the background, and captured great candids of people.  I call my my speakers my "mistresses", bec... 
Audioquest PSS cables vs latest nordost
Currently using the Tyr 2 balanced cables between my Dac and preamp, and they beat everything else I tried.  Deep bass, gobs of detail, and very good at localizing space.  Not etchy or glassy sounding at all.  Very spacious, weighty, but dynamic a... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
After a solid week of using the fuse in, what I deem, is the "proper" orientation in my system, I've got a pretty good handle on what it's done to the sound.First it's added for space and dimensionality to the sound.  Like, layers and layers.  It'... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Apologies to Geoff if I misrepresented his position.  I'd feel worse if I misrepresented his sense of humor :)But, seriously, thank you to you all.  This stupid tweak is fantastic!Regards,Jason 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
i want to thank oregonpapa for starting this thread.  And both the supporters and naysayers, alike, for sharing their experience and doubt within.  Honestly, both have been a big help.I recently installed a black fuse in my Parasound P7.  The cons... 
Anything you liked at the Newport Show?
Best sound I heard, I did not expect...It was in a closet of a room with an apathetic rep streaming requests through Tidal, in the Mark Levinson/JBL room.  Pair of JBL K2 s9900, with tidal streaming a mix of all kinds of music.Absolutely blew my m... 
B&W 805 D3
I heard both, same setups, same everything except the speakers.  I am not a B&W fan, but the d3 805s were amazing.  The slight nasal and closed in character of the d2 (to my ears) is completely gone in the d3.  I think Joey V said they're 25 p... 
If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.
If money was no concern...Wilson Alexandria XLF. Heard them at Sunny Components in West Covina. Heard every other Wilson speaker, and didn’t care for them. But the Alexandria XLF’s, hooked up to about 700k worth of was the best sound I e... 
Golden Ear Triton One vs Mythos ST-L Supertowers
In my opinion the mythos st-l are not even the equal of the mythos st they replaced.  Treble on the new models is quite hot, and the bass can be tricky to balance between too boomy and too absent.  Tried the st-l at home, at the urging of the deal... 
What vintage speaker might you use today
Grew up with a pair of KLH 1's, the ones with the "bass computer", hooked up to a cool looking Phase Linear amp.  They're still at my mom's house, powered by an ancient Hafler amp.  And, they still sound rediculously good.These are them...http://w... 
Your "eureka" digital moment
For me, it was this Parasound, I think it was called a cpd1000 or something I bought for a hundred bucks...supremely listenable!  Very polite, but I could listen to jazz for hours on end!  Was very sad when the laser finally died.  But, the sound ...