
Responses from avideo

i need a power conditioner. monster?
I am very happy with a Panamax 5300 to filter power to my McIntosh tuner, preamp, amp, and CD player. It also filters the power on my 32" Sony TV/Monitor and my Panasonic DVD recorder. I would suggest a modest upgrade, however, and chuck the stock... 
Help with CD player upgrade
I agree with newbee - buying some audio gear to take to college is a risky deal at best. Way too many opportunities for your audio gear to either get stolen or thrashed by some uncaring nit wit. When I went to college - many, many years ago - my ... 
HE2004 in San Francisco this year
HE 2004 Cancelled due to hotel worker's strike in San Francisco. Just saw it posted on Craig's list, with a link to the Primedia website. 
broadcast quality pictures...???...
I've worked in the television industry for nearly 20 years; and think you need to know there is no such "standard" as broadcast quality. It is nothing more than a meaningless term used by various sales types and promoters to "impress" the uninform... 
CD Player Recommendation - Music Hall MMF25
I fully agree with your recommendationd of the Music Hall MMF25 CD Player. I bought mine in February of 2002 and from the very start I've enjoyed it. Right out of the box, the Music Hall sounded very smooth yet detailed - and improved with use. An... 
FedEx Shipping Damage
I am a frequent shipper and receiver of electronics; and have used both UPS and FedEx. As noted above, FedEx's air and ground operations are NOT one and the same.The ground operation used to be called Roadway - and their package handling SUCKS BIG... 
Good, mid-price tuner?
I second the McIntosh tuners. The MR-73 is a really good buy if you want a classic model. Also, the newer MR-7082 is a real sleeper. I bought one here on Audiogon last year for about $425.00 and the sound is superb. 
cd burning speed
There have been several posts about this topic in the past; and it might be worthwhile to look them up. I own a commercial media duplication company and we've not only copied thousands of CDs and CD-ROMs, but even more DVDs. Generally speaking, sl... 
Review: Cable shootout Nordost, Purist, Synergistic, MIT Speaker cable
Excellent post and thanks for sharing. Your descriptions are quite revealing, and will have me also checking out ICs and speaker wires for the second system I am putting together for use in my home office. I completely agree that there is a real ... 
Need good Component Video Cables
Sorry to tell you but you don't need to spend lots of money on cables to get good video performance. I own and operate a video editing and media duplication company that not only has several runs of component video connections in our video editing... 
Used Classe CDP 0.3 or new Music Hall CD25?
Let me add to this discussion because I've actually owned a Music Hall MMF CD25 since late February of 2002. It's in a McIntosh system and a great player. Brand new and right out of the box it sounded smooth and non-fatigueing. And it's smoothness... 
Who's the Cadillac of Hi-End Audio?
Sorry all you Cadillac bashers - but Cadillac has several new models out that are quite different than past offerings.The XLR two seater is an aluminum and carbon fiber bodied sports car with the latest Corvette engine inside. And there is a new p... 
Guilty Pleasures
Being both a confirmed car nut and lover of "oldies" music; one of my favorite pleasures is taking my Corvette out for a drive with the top off and the CD player blasting out some of my favorite tunes. In particular I really love the soundtrack f... 
Monster Cable does Power Amps,,,,,,,,,UH OH
Well - you can rest assured that Audio Advisor will soon devote a page or more - complete with glowing "reviews" - to these amps in their next catalog. All that aside, I will be the first to say that most of Monster's lower end cables are simply g... 
Good Preamp for Adcom GFA-5400 $500 new or used
It would seem like the obvious choice might be an Adcom preamp. A few years ago I had an Adcom GTP-550 and an Adcom GFA-555 II amp that worked quite well together. I also enjoyed the convenience of the remote, which is something you might miss if ...