
Responses from avdcreations

Krell KAV-250a: good? vs. Bryston 4B ST at price?
I've dealt with all these pieces for years. Off the bat, I'd say for sure the Krell for those Mirages! The Mirages are a bit warm sounding, and the krell matches better. The Bryston is in the similar league, but wawmer, more body, and slightly mor... 
PreAmp for HT
Yes, if dedicated HT set up, then probably Lexicon. If mostly music, with some movies, then the Classe or Proceed are going to be close toss ups!The Lex has features galor, which make setting up 5 or more "less than ideal" placed speakers very "EQ... 
What is your vote for best bookshelf speaker ?
Sonus Faber Extrema's, modified to bypass the internal crossover, using external crossover, driving it "active" bi-amp with world class amplification!!!....WOW!!!..WOW!!!For most all practical purposes, I garantee you worlds, no light years better... 
Acurus ACT3 vs. Rotel RSP 976 vs. Adcom 760
Depends on you're set-up a little here actualy! I'd not chose ANY Adcom pre/pro. i've sold em for a long time, and they're not well built. The rotel is a solid performer for the money. But, for most systems, I'd still go with the Act3 It's sonical... 
Do speakers wear out?
Not really. The only thing that usually wears out is the foam/rubber surrounds on them primarily! The voice coils could melt, if you clip the speakers, but you'd hear it for sure!...sound buzzy, or stop working! Basically, if the surrounds are fin... 
How about using a Denon AVR5800 with Martin Logans
FOR GOD SAKES, NO!!!...That would be audio sacrilidge!!!!Sonically, NO RECEIVER is worth $3800!!(or more than $2k for that matter!!). All Reveivers are a major sonic compromise, in just about every concievable area!Even modest little power amps wi... 
Integrateds-Krell or Plinius?
I've sold the Krell integrated's for some time, and can say that, well, they're decent enough. But I guess I would have to favor the Plinius over them! However, another choice to consider with the CDM9nt's that I've heard, is the Classe 150wattint... 
Need opinions: Proceed AVP vs. Anthem AVM20
Why not look into the classe SSP30??? I've a little experience with the AVM2 from Anthem, and wasn't at all impressed with the sound I was hearing! (yes, it's all system dependent and room and such, but still didn't care much for what was coming f... 
High Quality Passive Preamp Recommendtion
You can forget all these above mentioned choices in MHO! For the money, performance, build, etc, you absolutely can't beat the Pass Labs Aleph L and Aleph P passive/active preamps!!! If you only need RCA in's/out's, then the Aleph L is all you nee... 
B W 804 for Home Theater
Actually, the standard stereo Design of these speakers (tweeter on top w/one midrange) lends themselves to small rooms for effectiveness with home theater!(assuming proper set-up..and I'll bet you have an easier time with the 804's in a small room... 
Need Help Designing a Dream Room
Actually, I WOULD NOT recommend you using 3 layers of sheetrock INSIDE the actual listening room, as the other gentleman suggested!!! you do't want the walls that unforgiving and stiff ideally! if you do put 3 layers, or the likes, you should do i... 
Dunlavy,Counterpoint synergy.....
if you ask John Dunlavy of course, he'll tell ya it doesn't make any difference!!!! Anyway, you gotta ask yourself if you like the counterpoint stuff well enough to plan on keeping it! If you're answere to that is yes, then may i suggest some sli... 
B W CDM 9 NT or NAUTILUS 804's
YOu know, the CDM9NT's are terrific speakers for the money! I think with this receiver based system (receivers are a sonic compromise overall compared to separates really!...ALWAYS!!!), you would do very well with these slightly easier to drive CD... 
low efficiency speaker vs. high efficiency speaker?
The advantage (all things being equal however...i.e, quality attempts at speaker designs here!!!) of higher sensitivity speakers overall, is that they usually have a much better dynamic efficiency and "snap" to em than lower counterparts!!! Super ... 
DVDP for 2 channel?
Here's the deal...I used to run Thiel 2.3's with Classe CA150 2 channel amp and Audio Research 2 channel preamp, in a 2 channel set-up. And I also used this same set-up for home theater dubties then as well!!! What I found however, simply using th...