
Responses from ausaudio

Minimum Broadband Speed Necessary For Uninterrupted Qobuz and/or Tidal Listening?
24/192 Flac Encoded, 50% compression efficiency, 25% overhead, and you are looking at 5-6 megabits/second.If you go into your router, you may be able to give priority to your audio device so it gets bandwidth before anything else. 
Speaker Spike Philosophy
By changing the effectiveness of the grounding plane (platform or spikes), the transfer of resonance becomes reality where your book-mentored approach might change as well.Word SaladVibrations (mechanical, electromechanical or airborne) establi... 
Is louder better?
DON'T Click on @dastenpen56's link. It is spam. 
Speakers for a less-than-ideal room
Unfortunately, anyone can post on the internet, regardless of their knowledge or common sense. I can find thousands of articles, some even including experiments, stating, with authority, that the earth is flat.  Look at any concert venue or space ... 
How much difference in Sound quality can be expected from different streamers?
It is subtle, but I would not want to misinterpret my wording. I would not call the DACs "technical" and "enjoyable". For me, normally I enjoy the "technical" DACs, but there are some recordings where I find other DACs more enjoyable. Is it advant... 
Speakers for a less-than-ideal room
Rear port of not, you will always get reinforcement from the front wall, and almost no acoustic panel will fix that. The acoustic panel helps reduce higher frequency reflections that screw with imaging. You main couch is a long way from the speake... 
How much difference in Sound quality can be expected from different streamers?
I have not tested 93, but probably 15+, and on some of the DACs I own, I would call the more technical ones, there is no difference, unless intentional. On some of the DACs I own, enjoyable, designed for a certain presentation, but not "technical"... 
Speakers for a less-than-ideal room
Center channels are essential for proper home theater. It centers the image perfectly no matter the seating position and two channel audio has a real problem, with a perfectly centered image. The reasons are many and probably beyond this thread. S... 
3D lifelike sound and impeccable measurements - mutually exclusive???
clarinetmonster2 OP198 posts03-28-2021 11:44pmReally only one or two people have answered my question and made suggestions of brands that they believe both measure very well AND offer an immersive musical experience in their opinion. That’s rea... 
You can't have too many bass traps...
Replaceablehead is pretty tuned in. That would be two puns for me today. I believe I am at my limit. Damp almost all reflections and the room is near flat.  
Cables ... no longer opinion
Two ribbons placed together is obviously the best for SPEAKER cables. It's an immediate consequence of Maxwell's Equations. Just as two small conductors separated by a significant distance is the best for line level. That's assuming equal diel... 
Is this an right time to buy hifi?
I have been considering some purchases, and surprisingly, large televisions are inexpensive now, but I hear from colleagues horror stories in manufacturing with last minute new component qualifications, parts from the broker market, needing to qua... 
Cables ... no longer opinion
Take my word for it, you have not heard truly 3D holographic imaging if you are not using a cable with this geometry. I would make the generalized statement that anyone who makes a generalized statement like this is prone to hyperbole and couples ... 
A strange business model for audio
This is even true with cars. For example, an Austrian company, called Steyer something, makes the current Supra that everyone thinks is a BMW. The fact is that the BMW is also a Steyer, as are all 5 series BMW's, the Mercedes G series etc. Y... 
Is louder better?
Search "Equal Loudness Contour". We don’t hear everything equally well at all frequencies. Really low bass and really high treble have to be fairly loud to hear well. This is why the Loudness switch used to be so common. At low levels we have t...