
Responses from audiowoman

When was the last time you listened to live music?
Last Thursday - Emmylou Harris at christopher Newport college in Virginia. Great show. I am in Nashville right now - bound to be some music around here somewhere. ;-) 
Emma Watson- audiophile?
They do indeed! HOwever, they only let us out a few at a time so that the boys don't get worried that we'll try to take them over!!!! 
Squeezebox Server work with latest Apple OS?
I am using this server with mountain lion with no issues. 
Replacing Duet with Touch?
I just switched from classic 3 to touch and it was very simple. Plug it in, go through instructions, it obtained ip address automatically and I put in the password and was good to go. I added the old Classic 3 to my office system and that worked f... 
What Songs Do You Have Several Renditions Of?
Wayfaring Stranger - also done by Joan Baez in Sharon Isbin's cd. 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Well at first listen the Touch seems to have made a positive difference, kind of like when we added Pangea cords to the mix. Not night and day or anything, but noticeable. Nice! Hopefully they will continue to support this in the future. 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Given those responses we decided to go ahead and get a Touch - found it for $240. Hopefully it will be a little upgrade and I can use the Classic 3 in my office setup. Thanks!Anyone ever used the headphone jack in this? Quality? 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
thanks folks, sounds like it might be worthwhile to switch eventually. I actually have been wondering if a new one is coming out, as their website says they are out of stock. Amazon etc. is carrying them at a lower price. Perhaps a new version wit... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Is it worth the upgrade to a Squeezebox Touch from a Squeezebox Classic 3 if it is being used with a W4S Dac 2? How much higher resolution is possible and does it sound better with "normal" resolution from a ripped Cd? I'm just wondering if this i... 
The Audiophile's Wife
I love it too, been looking for it every few days. Hopefully you are just on vacation and returning soon! 
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
If you don't run screaming from the room when musical passages get complex and if at times you are almost startled out of your seat which makes you grin from ear to ear and the dog flick her ears back and forth ---you are on the right track! 
Aerial 7b, Nola Contender, with Ayre AX-7e?
I have Aerial 7B's and I have Classe integrated amp. What I heard them with in my dealer's showroom was Ayre - liked that combination enough to take the Aerial's home with me. 
Listening Chair?
We recently got leather Rocket Chairs from Restoration Hardware. These have great back support, are quite comfortable and cool looking. The height is quite low in the back so my ears are clear. Very nice indeed. 
Classe move to China
It is a disappointing move for sure. I own Classe and like it very much; given this change, it's gonna be my last of their product. 
Best audio purchase of 2011
Wyred for Sound Dac 2Happy New Year!