

Responses from audiotroy

Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Fsonic if you also bother to read our posts you would see that we talk passionately about our products and make assements on products that we respect and like that we dont sell. Have you ever seen in one of these posts by a dealer mentioning compe... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Fsonic you didnt read any of our posts did you?We stated catigorically the Adates are not perfect and will appeal to some people who value different sonic attributes like a very live sound vs a more toned down more  colored laid back perspective.W... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Sorry Tomic,Hate to disagree, but your arguements don’t hold water, an "aerodynamic" midrange driver will eliminate reflections off of the parallel surfaces behind the driver’s surface. A tapered tube is designed to funnel the back wave energy awa... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Avanti, Heard the 40.1 at the New York Audio show, and the 30.1 at Capital in both cases the speakers didn't have that incredible treble clarity that we hear in many of the more modern designs. The Harbeths have a great midrange and very listenble... 
My exp. with Focal Sopra No.2 , Harbeth 40.2, Passlabs XA30.5 and Hypex NC400
Contuzzi we made those suggestions as some people don't have the money to invest in real high end acoustical solutions.If you check our NY audio shows photos over the years you will see plenty of examples of the room treatment products we use and ... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Sorry Tomic,Just don’t see it that way and quite frankly there is no hate here at all. Vandersteen builds speakers that many people love but not all people find them perfect or to be to their liking. Sorry to come off as a hater, we don’t use the ... 
My exp. with Focal Sopra No.2 , Harbeth 40.2, Passlabs XA30.5 and Hypex NC400
Contuzzi many people don't have the funds to invest in real room treatments. Hence our comments.As per being a high end snob, guess what we aren't at all or we would not even made that recommendation. If your definition of a snob is to recommend t... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Repuluso, who is stepping on whom?The point of our original post was to point out how and why someone who is in one camp will not be easily swayed to moving into a different camp of sound.It is interesting how certain posters make ridiculous claim... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Cedar grover you are welcome to make an appontment and see who is right. Maybe you will perfer our coolaid which is usually Scotch single malt or fine sipping Tequila. Dave and TroyAudio Doctor NJ 
My exp. with Focal Sopra No.2 , Harbeth 40.2, Passlabs XA30.5 and Hypex NC400
Part of your problem is your ancellory gear isn't up to snuff.The more revealing a set of speakers the more it shows you the limitations of your cables and Gustard Dac.With a $14k speaker that are resolvling you need far superior dac and cabling. ... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Cedargrover, the most popular Vandy 1c and 2Ce are still old designs with hardly state of the art drivers, an alloy tweeter and a polycone midrange.They would hardly be called transparent speakers, they fall into the "musical" camp, so do Harbeth.... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Johny we have 0 Vandy envy.The 1c and 2Ce are great value loudspeakers that have a particular set of sonic attributes.You have your fanboys we are allways pursuing the new and the truly innovatve brands.I wonder if you do a patent search between R... 
Naim and Elac Adante, Wow
Tomic just as expected from a Vandy Fanboy.Please explain to me in what way did a Vandy create anything new or revolutionary?   Lets see time alignment, first order slopes not invented here. Revolutionary drivers what composite cones, again not in... 
Looking for speaker suggestions
vriesdiep have you heard the Kii? We have heard them at three seperate shows and they were great for a small speaker but failed to sound like a much bigger conventional set of speakers.  
Where to Listen and compare
Bstbomber you may want to do a weekend trip to NYC.From your post it is unclear if you have a particular price level or level of sound quality you are interested in, however you will still find a wider variety of products available in the NYC area...