

Responses from audiotroy

diablo 300 vs arc ref 5se + pass labs 350.5 - anyone has opinions to share
That is going to be a tough one to answer, as the sound quality of separates will also depend on the quality of the interconnects and the two power cords One main point would be having a tube preamplifier which generally produces a wider and deepe... 
Axpona reviewers perceptions and reality
Do you Geoffkait or Twinkle or Liamowen do you have opinions on the post about specifically what the reviewer heard and what you guys heard if you went to the show? Did all three of you go to the show? Discuss this topic and this  topic only 
Axpona reviewers perceptions and reality
Read the post, do you agree or disagree with the choices he made 
Why is the high end stratospheric?
There are two ways of looking at this yes, we have seen certain products that were artificially over priced to generate interest the original Kharma loudspeakers were priced at $10k retail and the importer jumped the price to $20k a pair to make t... 
Axpona reviewers perceptions and reality
Really Liamowen, what are we trying to "sell" you? As per incoherent or full of grammatical errors, really who cares?Either the post is interesting or relevant or it is not. You mistake the ability to type and see what you are writing with relevan... 
Canadian Preamp+DAC+Streamer Faceoff
Yystantabarbara, the Coda amp will get you pretty close to the next level amp be it a T+A or a Luxman.We would recommend the Innous Zenith + Anthem STR+ Coda .8 for the money you will not find a better sounding combo nor one with a good built in d... 
Canadian Preamp+DAC+Streamer Faceoff
Yystantabarbera we sell the NAD and the Anthem products.A viable solution is the Anthem STR preamp coupled with a really good solid state amplifier.The Anthem STR we feel is a bit less colored sounding then the NAD products, add a Coda .8 amp and ... 
Bookself speaker for Luxman 590 axII
Mizioa, congrats on the Luxman very nice amp, is your question would a more modern set of bookshelf or monitor speakers be better?The Ensemble monitors were fantastic loudspeakers and would only suffer in the comparison to a modern loudspeaker in ... 
Electrocompaniet EMC-1up vs Primare cd35 (OLD vs NEW)
Hard call the  CD drive mechanism on the Electro is really top of the line think it is the legendary CDM 9 Pro drive from Philips coupled to a very serious floating CD sub assembly.So for pure CD playback the Electro should be better, the Primare ... 
Anthem STR Int or Benchmark AHB2 + Preamp
Bearwarrior we are an Anthem dealer so we are going to be a bit biased.Personally we don’t feel this is a fair comparison as the Benchmark amp is $3,000.00 and a good preamp is also going to be around $3k vs a $4,500.00 integrated.Also you are get... 
Axpona reviewers perceptions and reality
Ozzy i write most of the posts, Dave the owner. We share the account and Troy writes occasionaly.Bubba you are correct the Magicos on the Classe was indeed very good. Heard the Salks nothing special. Dave and TroyAudlo Doctor NJ 
Moderately priced audio
Today there are a ton of fantastic products and systems that are very affordable and excellent sounding.We recently discovered one of the best and most featured electronics pairings ever:NAD C 658 integrated preamp/dac/streamer $1,500.00 Nuprime S... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hello Doc, long time no talkie.A couple of points we now have a Innous Statement on display and it is magical sounding.We are also waiting on a T+A HV 3100 SDV which may be the first digital front end to exceed the Light Harmonic.https://www.ta-hi... 
Axpona reviewers perceptions and reality
Sorry Folkfreak not being impolite will write his name correctly  from now on. Where you at the show? 
Axpona reviewers perceptions and reality
Trudat, this post was about the reviewer in question his opinions and how they differ from ours, and perhaps many others who heard the same systems at the show and came up with very different opinions.We are wondering how many people agree with Mr...