

Responses from audiotroy

Seeking Streaming Receiver Recommendations
What is your price range? 
What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One?
The ever popular price to value discussion.On a suitable system with the resolution required to hear any subjective difference you should hear a pretty big difference between two such price ranges.One: a $1,500.00 CD player is not going to have a ... 
Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2
Contuzzi, have to agree with you here. Especially in terms of bass response in adverse rooms you are right on the money!Audio Doctor showcased the Persona 9H at the New York audio show in 2016 right after they came out. This was one of the first p... 
Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
Rbach you just joined and all seven of your posts are about us, how flattering.Do you have any experience in listening to, setting up or comparing servers? As per Innuos, please do your homework, we represent the brand because when we compared the... 
Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
Jworthy, the reason that Innous uses the chip set they do has to do with noise. The more noise generated into the motherboard, the greater the likelyhood that the music data will be interefered with. It is for this reason that Innous uses the part... 
Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
Jworth, what you are missing is the title of this post which is for streaming dacs. The Roon Nucleus is not a streaming dac just a streamer.The other thing you will find out in the forums is that the Nuclues including the plus are actually not tha... 
what is more important ?
OP here is our advice after 30 years of professional experience.First of all everything matters, the electronics, the source, the speakers, the room acoustics, cabling, power etc.However, you need to first select the loudspeaker which best fits yo... 
Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
rbach, you are welcome. Dude we have a ton of experience and if you look at Twittering Machines list of recommended streamers we have 13 and at one time had 15 of his list of 51, that is a pretty good indication that we know how many of these dacs... 
Computer to DAC Streamer
Nope but open to suggestions 
Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
Yes Rbach we are using our super powers to convince everyone.As per the list we have 13 out of of the list of 51 dac/streamers mentioned which is not too shabby:We sell Naim, Nad, Lumin, Krell. Mytek, Ifi, Cary so we actually do know what most of ... 
Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
Rbach, it has nothing to do with us trying hard to make or not make a sale. One of the facts in this industry are there are market leaders and products which continue to endure and set a precedent.Wether or not you like Mcintosh, it is a classic b... 
Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
Interesting post Musiclovers Audio an Ayre dealer. We have heard the Codex and quite frankly it is a very nice $2k dac personally we would take the Ifi DSD over the Ayre any day of the week, the combination of tubes and upconverting to high res DS... 
Name 3 classic mini-monitors worth keeping- Why?
This is a very loaded question what constitutes classic? Currently in production or not?If Classic means greater than 10 years or older:Spica TC 50Celestiion SL 600 and 700ATC SCM 19 Harbeths most smaller modelsProac Tablette and Response monitors... 
NAD M10/BluOS - Please Help
OP, we are an NAD dealer and we don't think you can access files from your phone on the Blue Sound OS There is a network share tab.Perhaps you can upload your files to a NAS drive you can access those files that way.Another much lower sound qualit... 
Under $3K streaming dac suggestions, Roon Ready?
OP the Ifi DSD is  a  remarkable little guy sonically, it does have a few quirks and isn't Roon ready at the momment but boy does it sound really good.Audioman, how do you know anything definative about the 2.7 Dac which is a dac and not a streami...