

Discussions audiotomb has started

Von Schweikert VR4, VR4.5 upgrades?? anyone37434
inexpensive XLR cable for a tape deck?39724
isolating a tube problem - ARC LS5 preamp37875
What tubes for ARC LS 5 preamp - 6922/6DJ8678510
Anyone heard new Mach II versions of Acoustic Zen?31077
New Spendor S9's seamless, very nice -159604
old B&O turntable setup & new pre or new tt23701
big thanks on audiogon TRANSPORT purchase30033
better gear, worse recordings657931
straightwire crescendo vs acoustic zen, cardas?68843
who are the best people to do equipment mods?70418
need suggestions - transport for EVS Millenium Dac414912
new ARC preamps24202
traveling need audio stores in NYC to audition39928
best used transport 400-700497412