
Discussions audiorichard has started

Suggestion of single-box SACD and DAC player35595
Which speakers are higher efficiency?982824
With 15W tube amp, which speakers to use?1497423
Dynaudio C1 + Mcintosh 275 amp, do they match?1059613
Are amp or preamp as important as source in setup?36317
What do I expect in a horn speaker system?43737
Does Arcam P25 give enough power for Dynaudio S1.462634
Most common subwoofer input?520612
Cheap and powerful pre/power combo $1k budget41046
Difference: Cary SLI80 Signature vs non-signature?1216014
2006 BEST Female Vocal CD/SACD/XRCD1748848
NEED HELP about Magnepan speaker38197
Planar speaker question45738
B&W Signature 805 vs Wilson Benesch ARC100646
B&W 805S vs Wilson Benesch ARC vs Dynaudio S1.485765