
Responses from audioquest4life

New Fuse Thread . . .
Tom, The AHP breakers allow one to experiment with either the gold plated cooper or silver fuses. I have settled on the copper fuses for the main circuit driving my amps, while the rest of the equipment on another fuse block is using a silver fuse... 
Anyone listen to Octave 500SE or Jubilee preamps?
I have the Octave HP500SE and have autioned the Jubilee preamp as well. I can say that they are both close in character, with the Jubilee exhiting a more frontal presentation versus the 500SE's more 5th or 6th row presentation. The 500SE I won has... 
New Fuse Thread . . .
These are my responses to your questions. I am using German tube equipment (in Germany) and I am going against the grain for the norm of the Hi-Fi fuses by using the AHP fuses instead, as my whole listening room is already wired with the breakers ... 
When has a piece of equipment paid for itself??
I guess we need to find out the depreciation value the company has assigned to that piece of equipment based on salvage value over a given period of time. I am in accounting right now and have had to deal wih many of the same questions in homework... 
Hi End rack really deliver?
When I switched to the Copulare racks, I found that the music was more intimate, more detailed and the bass more solid, all of this was missing on my ad-hoc home made wood platforms. I was balancing the edg... 
best phono preamps?
This has been brought up here several times, use the search function to really see the results of the best phono preamp replies. I did a search for best phono amp and best phono preamp with varied results. Personally I believe the Aesthetix IO Sig... 
Belt stretch
I find this thread very interesting. I thought I would throw a monkey in the wrench so to speak. We know for a fact that for a certain amount of mass, a belt that has a specific amount of elasticity and proper torque to spin such mass, we can prod... 
Man Cave or No?
Yes, a dedicated man cave for listening to music in the basement. The whole reason for this, was so that my wife would not be disturbed when I listen to music while she tried to sleep. In fact, we joke the house was built around the listening room... 
Looking 4 a high quality phono line stage $5k-$8k
I have to agree with Rushton, the Aesthetix IO Signature is a great option, finding one used will be the problem. They show up every once in a while, but go fast. I have to disagree about the recommendation for the ASR Basis Exclusive, it did not ... 
Low capacitance interconnect??
Try any of the Neotech brand of cables, they are mostly low capacitance and compare in performance to cables costing way more. I favor them over the Harmonix Golden Reference IC's I have demoed in my system. Ciao,Audioquest4life 
Krell KPE vs. Aesthetx IO Sig.
Radrog,Thank you. You will be very satisfied with the IO. I think I am addicted to listening to music with the IO in the analog chain, the IO added so much more realism to the music that I can't help but bury myself to listening to music whenever ... 
Benz LP Ebony, and S-Class Ebony
I had my Benz LP retipped about 5 months ago, but now I think I should have asked for the new S version tip. I agree about the Benz LP being understated. When I was on the hunt for a new cartridge, I was actively listening to the Koetsu's, the Ony... 
Krell KPE vs. Aesthetx IO Sig.
I think one of the reasons the dealers are suggesting the BAT is that it is a great phono preamp, and maybe they are swaying you for the dealer sell. When I was on the hunt for my phono amp, I took almost two years, I demoed the ASR, listened to t... 
Krell KPE vs. Aesthetx IO Sig.
Radrog, Did you get the two power supply option? I am considering doing that upgrade this year sometime. The IO Sig is an awesome sounding phono amp and I have had many a pleasant listening hours with it. I owul suggest that you have some spare tu... 
How To Add A Sub To B&W N802's
I use a B&W ASW 850 sub with the Velodyne SMS-1 sub controller. I have B&W 800's with this setup and run them full range. I cross the sub at 40hz and have experimented with al the options on the sub EQ to arrive to where I am at right now....