
Responses from audiopoint

How important is the rack you use for your components
mr_mSorry the AEP trip offer was extended to Kait a ways back. We offered this to him in order so he could meet and shake the hands of the people he was insulting and calling names. You know be a real man and not a chicken hiding behind a keyboard... 
How important is the rack you use for your components
For one thing, no manufacturer I know claims his vibration isolation device is the absolute best, to use your words.Geoffrey C Kait, when was the last time you shopped or purchased from a dealer or heard a salesman pitching you on “the best”? Ar... 
How important is the rack you use for your components
The recent question appears to be; why scientific proof of function is rare or non-existent in the vibration management and equipment racking divisions of the Audio Industry? The opinions below are based on the studies of vibration management an... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@lancelock - any chance of providing a room number?Thanks in advanceRobert - Star Sound 
Stillpoints Ultra 5
Geez, take a Valium, Robert. NASA grade simply means the ceramic material is much harder even than ordinary ceramic material. As usual, you are avoiding answering our questions but I am regretabbly  feeling somewhat compelled to reply. Your drug... 
Stillpoints Ultra 5
Sorry for the intrusion on this thread as the topic is about other companies but there are a couple of statements posted above that question or defy reality.If you decide to go the cones route be sure to choose those NASA grade ceramics since th... 
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters
A slightly different take on woofer performance:I have been working with sub-woofers throughout my life. Spent years in concert reinforcement and recording industries; upon retirement moved on to high-end audio and home theater systems, designed... 
Sound correction in small room
Hello la10slgr,It appears that your components are resting on a table. Resonance formed from vibration without an exit, trapped inside the chassis is affecting your components and loudspeakers operational efficiency hence clogging all your signa... 
Vibration Issues / Turntable Decisions
Hello Ron,A few questions on the rack build since that is the obvious issue causing the footfall.How is the rack touching the flooring and are there any types of footers between the frame bottom and floor?Is the rack inside the framework hollow or... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
Geoffrey C Kate, you are such a ‘Grandstander’. I am not sure anyone can hang with you in any conversation. Your talent lies more in avoidance, providing answers only to what you understand and denouncing everything unfamiliar to you while alway... 
Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?
"Upon graduation from Acme Audio Engineering school today many of you will go on to do great things. The rest of you will be in pro audio." (recently copied from another thread)Now this:“This particular conversation highlights the differences be... 
Isolation platform for the power amps
jollygreenaudiophile2 Now that’s funny! We can only imagine what the 'Big Boys' are planning next for audio reproduction? And really hope the next big thing fits inside a sound room.  ⌣Geoffery, you are boring us to death with the same old re... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
No... more like Hah, hah, hah, hah, truth be told!  
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
Call our innovations and/or, technology what you will Geoffrey Kait. I previously requested that you refrain from calling our people childish names but... here we go again.Murphy once said, never argue with a fool because after many hours people... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
To the Grandstanding Kait,Typical approaches towards others whereas you are mentally... (oops wrong choice of words) because you are already there; so let’s just say if you are required to reach beyond your current threshold of hands on experien...