
Responses from audiokinesis

Looking for speakers with soundstage depth
Shadys wrote:  "I have a pair of magnepan mg12s that do a great job at image depth provided I get them out into the room, say 3+ feet from the wall.  With good recordings the image depth often appears to go beyond the front wall."YESSS!!!That is e... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
Millercarbon wrote: "Hard to overstate how disappointed I am that so few people are interested."The following is just my guess:One of the things that is an awful lot of fun about high-end audio is, pride of ownership in a piece of equipment that h... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
@noble100 , thank you for taking the "leap of faith" in the first place, in spite of your totally reasonable skepticism.  And thank you for posting your experiences here.I try to promote the CONCEPT of a distributed multi-sub system (which I learn... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
Millercarbon, my suggestion is this:  Once you have placed the subs, first adjust the gain, then the frequency, then the phase on the sub amp.   Expect to cycle through gain-frequency-phase several times.  The word "timing" seems to me to imply "a... 
Tight bass sub recommendations
Thank you millercarbon for your kind words.Gdnrbob made an insightful observation: " just makes sense that multiple subs will nullify/even out room nodes. Any of the subs listed would do that, when 4 or more were hooked up."Yup. That’s why I ... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
@avanti1960 wrote: "Adjusting the continuous phase control provides much more than a slight amount of timing adjustment and my ears were quite capable of hearing when I had the correct phase setting."And I totally believe that you are quite capabl... 
Tight bass sub recommendations
My short answer is, two smaller subs instead of one bigger sub.The following is my long answer.Off and on over the course of a decade or so I tried building a sub that was "fast" enough to mate well with Maggies and Quads, on the theory that there... 
Klipsch!. The worst speaker company, EVER?
Florida71 wrote: "To each his/her own, but a pair of 12” drivers shouldn’t need a subwoofer."There is a tradeoff relationship between low-end extension, box size, and efficiency. A high efficiency woofer, regardless of its diameter, has to trade o... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
Jetter, I don't know how to reliably predict in advance what would be the ideal, so some trial-and-error is probably called for.   You might even find that something in between, like 45 and 135 degrees, works best.  Or you may find that it makes l... 
Will a subwoofer add depth and clarity to my system, or just bass?
The ear simply does not have the time-domain resolution to hear a slight timing mis-match in the subwoofer region. The ear is UNABLE to even detect the presence of bass energy from less than one full wavelength, compared to which small timing erro... 
Small drivers vs big drivers
Forgot to include this: One area in which a vertical array of multiple small woofers has superior room interaction relative to a single large woofer is in the floor-bounce dip. The multiple small woofers will have their floor-bounce dips at differ... 
Small drivers vs big drivers
Kosst, thank you for your reply. You are absolutely correct that I was not clear about what I meant by "good radiation pattern control". First, I like for the pattern to be uniform over as much of the spectrum as is reasonably feasible, at least i... 
Small drivers vs big drivers
Kosst: "I hate to break it to you, but you’re wrong about radiation patterns."That’s possible. I’m not infallible.Would you mind pointing out exactly what I said wrong about radiation patterns? I think it’s fair for me to ask that so I can take an... 
Small drivers vs big drivers
Kosst, of course we can compare arrays of smaller drivers vs large drivers."Array" is a rather open-ended term. How big is your array? Line array? J-array? Splayed array? Arrays can get pretty big and pretty sophisticated.So let’s do an actual app... 
Klipsch!. The worst speaker company, EVER?
@mrdecibel wrote:  "Interesting that he is saying " if you like female vocal, like Diana Krall, or other female vocals like her, I can see using this speaker ". So he's saying these Klipsh speakers, with their horn midrange and horn tweeter, are g...