
Responses from audiofun

How long before your cartridge warms up?
So it does appear that is my room is below 75 degrees F my cartridge (MC Anna) requires a side or two to warm up and start delivering on the quality I know it to be capable of.., realized this last night when the sound wasn't so great and I correl... 
How long before your cartridge warms up?
I find this whole discussion interesting and I have already gleaned some good things to take from the discourse. Thanks all. 
How long before your cartridge warms up?
I agree with all that is being said here except that I don't think 40 minutes is excessive. I did note Mike Fremer at the latest Axpona stating that he finds his cartridge needs about 4 sides before it is at full stride.I think what I experienced ... 
How long before your cartridge warms up?
Thanks Effischer, you may be right. I did some more experimentation today and it could be anything from the load on the utility box at the time to other components warming up (bearing in the table).., etc. I usually have the amp and the phono pre ... 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
Naim has been world class in handling this. They offered me a replacement album in addition to the discount on the digit hi res download. Now that is customer service :)I am going to make a digital copy of a track or two on my album and then my bu... 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
My buddy brought his copy of "Meet Me in London" on vinyl over today to do a comparison. Naim states that my LP is fine and that is how it is supposed to sound. I know that to be wrong, and my buddies copy proved me right. His vinyl copy is WORLDS... 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
Finally TWO weeks later my Naim "Meet Me in London" album has arrived. To say I am disapointed would be an understatement. The album has too much surface noise but the bigger problem is the recording itself, for instance my 24/192 version of "Take... 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
Sjy425, thanks for the information on the mono cartridges. I know you can't compare the mono Miyajima and Yamamoto head-to-head but if you had to select (by memory) one to live with.., which would it be?Richardkrebs; thanks for the elucidation con... 
Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?
Correction: "shielded" 
Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?
I promise you wont lose anything and I also hold that simpler is NOT always better :)I make my own highly sheilded high band-width interconnect and digital cables. FYI, the iTube is LIGHT YEARS ahead of former buffers I have tried in the past such... 
Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?
Joman; Good to know, thanks. 
Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?
Hi I don't think the SE upgrade is officially available as yet at least not in the states. If I remember correctly the tube becomes specially selected NOS 5670's utilizing special sockets with compatibility circuits in-built as well as noise filte... 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
I understand about not wanting to buy and return but they offer it as an incentive and I would not hesitate to return something if I had no need/use for the item. The new platter for the MK2 is awesome, I have held it and I was amazed at how the c... 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
Sjy425: Hi, I am sure your A.F. MKII sounds awesome, I mean it is not like your slumming :) I have been interested in the Terra Stone and how it might sound under a set of amps I own. So as to the Ultra 5's; can't help ya :) LOL. Ok, what I really... 
Are there other Artisan Fidelity TT owners aorund?
Beatlebum: You are correct sir, I now have "Tears of Joy" and this is an awesome work of art. Turns out I had it in the form of CD but was unaware that it was in my possession as a friend had lent me his binder of (CD) picks for fantastic music. I...