
Responses from audiofile9

What is vibration isolation for?
Pbb, strawmen, irony, apples, oranges, and lack of knowledge. Thus is a summary of your response, and that of your comments in general. Let me explain.STRAWMEN"The problem is you have nothing quantified."If we consider the spectrum of [ Possible &... 
What is vibration isolation for?
Good tip Piezo, right on! Pbb, here's a thought experiment, that might help understand the possible means by which vibrations can effect the sound of a component.Firstly, let's consider sound waves, and the energy contained by them. Think about a ... 
Listening Through Walls at Show: Vodoo or Valid?
Actually, there is a lot of credence to listening OUTSIDE of the room. The sound outside is now "equalized". As in, when inside the room you are prone to bass peaks and dips, high fequency ricochets, and an unpredictable mix of direct vs indirect ... 
Digital amp beat them all? Audio Physic Strada .
And which amp might that be Albert? Inquiring minds are dying to know! 
Cables "Burn In"
Pbb: not to get into the subjective vs objective thing, but your analogy "seeing the blackheads on the nose of a stadium-full of people at two hundred and fifty yards because of extra high resolution bionic vision" completely misses the point, yet... 
Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS
Eldragon: I disagree with your statement "What you are paying for is supreme convenience." (in reference the seller).As Bowow pointed out, it is actually "more" of a convenience for the buyer than for the seller. If I am selling something, whether... 
Bi-Wiring using 2 sets of cables; have a question.
Seems to me that the general benefits of biwiring are to be had by separating the WOOFER from the TWEETER, rather than the positive and the negative. I think the major benefit of properly designed biwire speakers is to separate the high current = ... 
Another 'hum' thread...
Wild guess here: sounds like a cold solder joint on the preamp's output jack assembly. (often sharing the ground internally). I have jacked up a few jacks myself trying to wrestle cables on and off, so I have had very similar symptoms in the past. 
Philips tells industry: "Don't Mess with the CD "
THREE CHEERS for Philips !!!!!!Ok guys, here's how us audiophiles, who normally don't count for much in the music industry, can make a difference:BUY SOMETHING PHILIPS.Who cares what, just send some money their way. Let's see, the mother-in-law wa... 
Do cables really need "breaking in"?
Herman brings up a point that I have thought about quite a bit as well, while trying to understand what I was/am hearing. Herman says "I have never once heard anyone say that a cable sounded worse. They ALWAYS sound better." After playing with qui... 
Audible differences between speaker cables?
Ljgj brings up a good point that I have thought about quite a bit: "we worry about the speaker cables but not much is said about all the wire used inside the equipment before it".Indeed, the "speaker wire" in most speakers (most have wire from bin... 
Help/Major Problem
Don't mean to state the obvious, but have you checked any "mute" or "tape monitor" switches? my kid once flicked one of these silly buttons that I never pay attention to, and it took me several hours of fidgetting to find it. Hopefully, it is just... 
Musical fidelity M3 Nuvistor
The difference is the difference in the two markets. Ebay is more of a vintage, oldie market, while Audiogon is home to the more "diehard" audiophiles, IMO. For example, Dyna st70's, not working, go for like $200 at ebay. Mac stuff, seventies rece... 
Is my dealer lying to me?
I agree with Rbirke. (nt) 
My system has just received the ultimate insult
There may be a scientific explanation to some of it! I have a male friend that has some type of "problem" with his ears, by his own admission. Loud sounds give him a crackly sound in his ears. Perhaps some kind of overload or something. He has rep...