Responses from audiobrian
Class A Solid State Sound Mijostyn: I enjoyed your Under Seige II reference to assumptions.As a close alternative to large class A SS amplifiers, the GamuT series of class AB amplifiers with 1 large industrialsize mosfet per phase (2 large NPN mosfets per channel) also pro... | |
Tube Amps Watts vs SS amp May want to consider a solid state amplifier with a little more ‘meat on the bones’ to emulate (75% or so) tube sound but maintain the high damping factor and needed power. Consider used GamuT D200 or possibly older Clayton Audio amplifier. Both a... | |
Bridging an amplifier Hi millercarbon & auxinput Thanks for your input. I guess I’m still not fully understanding the difference between a ‘true’ mono-block vs bridged monoblock....maybe I’m getting stuck on terminology. I thought it was more than a robust power su... | |
Class A Solid State Sound I’ve heard diverse opinions on “pure” (non-bridged) class A monoblock amplifiers (Such as Antileon Evo Monoblocks and others) vs bridged class A Monoblocks (like Clayton M300 bridged internally by the designer or Luxman A600 in BTL mode (bridge t... | |
Audionotekit Kits Interstage 300B Monoblocks and KR 300B XLS Hi Tubesrule:Just noticed your comment; been a while since this conversation saw activity. Anyway, as it turns out, problem described above related only to gassy 300b tubes; the ANK 300b Interstage are great amps, both the PSE (20 wpc) and SE (8-1... | |
Clayton Audio Class A Hi Mitch2Yes, you are correct. The S-2000 is 2 x M300’s in one chassis, or 2x M100’s bridged per channel. I had the M300s for 7 years, and then decided to go with the single channel S2000 for my small listening room with upgraded power supply....... | |
Class A Solid State Sound Thanks for the information about Pass XA, Erik. I also believe the entire design and voicing are what leads to sonic differences. However, even today, I find mosfet based output stages to generally present a smoother, potentially less objectionabl... | |
Clayton Audio Class A No doubt there are some great high bias class AB amplifiers out there, many of which I’ve owned over 30 years. However, the class A Clayton and Accuphase amplifiers (and others, Pass etc, that I’ve not had the pleasure of ownership) add the ‘organ... | |
Clayton Audio Class A Thanks technik; Accuphase is serious power class A! I guess what was confusing me about the Clayton S-2000 is that it is a single chassis dual mono class A design with each channel already bridged. (2 x 75 watt class A amplifiers per side)for out... | |
Clayton Audio Class A Thanks roberjerman. Good to know that about the earliest Adcom design. I wonder if there are any other balanced bridged class A designs on the market? | |
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions. Hi NyevGuess I’m gonna have to give the Diablo 300 an audition. I have tried to replace my tube setup multiple times with a variety of quality solid state candidates. I have found only the class A bipolar output SS, such as Clayton S2000, upper ... | |
High End SS Preamplifier Ayre, EMM Labs, ML, or Pass I have a Clayton S2000, the single chassis version of the M300s. I’ve tried many preamps and the VAC Renaissance 5 is the winner by far...great match indeed. Best of luck! | |
Reasonable but not outragious interconnects Take a good look at the Cabledyne website. Excellent high end cables for reasonable asking prices. Ed Bowman, owner, is a gentleman, knowledgeable and very helpful. | |
Looking for the best Preamp with a phono circuit built in Give some thought to a VAC Renaissance mk5 with phono as a final preamplifier purchase. Sounds great and mates very well with solid state or tube amplifiers, for present and future versatility. | |
Coaxial Ribbon Midrange/tweeter - Can a small midrange ribbon actually do midrange well? Just wanted to give feedback on my audition of Piega 711s. They are remarkably resolving and transparent, possibly the best I’ve heard; wide sweet spot as well, characteristic of coaxial drivers. However, I felt the speakers were a bit “thin soun... |