Responses from audio_is_subjective
Power cable Advice... @audphile1 Great post. | |
Transparent Audio is anything but Transparent @classicrockfan so why persecute those who can and do have better systems and income? | |
Power cable Advice... The cable denier sleeper cells have been woke. 🤣 @classicrockfan guess if you have junk gear you can feed it with junk cables. My reasoning is as follows: If you have a two way rural road which turns into a shiny super highway on the last mile... | |
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price... @classicrockfan actually not if they were then all the high-end manufacturers would be using the junk you buy on Amazon, Ali-Express at the audio shows to demo their equipment. But alas I am yet to hear anyone using Audiocrast, Viborg, Monosaudi... | |
Transparent Audio is anything but Transparent @classicrockfan wont go that far. Look at other options like Wireworld, Signal Cable, RSX Technologies, Zavfino, DH Labs. I gravitate to OCC cables. But you can use an old extension cord on your system, just not my system. Well put! OP try Ebay/... | |
Transparent Audio is anything but Transparent Here is a link to the actual WBF thread. For those interested. | |
Transparent Audio is anything but Transparent I am not a customer of Transparent cables, though I have had the opportunity to demo their cables. You appear to have more of an issue that they would not validate or make an assumption on a used product that you wanted to buy on eBay. I completel... | |
Records and CDs I just listen to the music, CD, Stream or Wax. | |
JJ preamp tubes - repeated problems Telefunken, RCA, Mazda, Gold Lion, lots of other choices, may cost a little but what did the FRAM man say?? Pay me now or pay me later? (Fram filters do suck though) | |
Lab12 Integre 4 MKII - user review Nice thanks for your updates. | |
Lab12 Integre 4 MKII - user review Nice review one question you say this tube IA can be fatiguing, maybe KT120s would be the ticket and is the room treated? Just have to ask. I have never listened to a tube IA that was fatuiging ever. I have found the KT170s to have more headroom ... | |
recommend PRAT Integrated amplifiers (not Naim) I think any of the GaN equipped integrateds (not many) or amplifiers from Atma-Sphere, AGD, GATO (integrated also) Gold Note will fit this bill. Some of the NAD integrated may but I am suspect of their build quality. @secretguy Audio is subjectiv... | |
Knockoffs- how can they just advertise so easily? @carlsbad2 You can substantiate this claim? As most of the product in question is supposed to be of US origin as marked on the packaging and product. Many of these "counterfeits" are made in the same factories as the originals. a company ord... | |
DAC vs Music Server Audio is subjective and if you are pleased with the net result then you have won! | |
Power cable Advice... I found this to be the most ridiculous post in this string. pennfootball71 209 posts 02-21-2024 at 05:46am $1500 per cable gets you midfi cables. You a are better off putting that money into a 4500 pair of speaker cables. better value ... |