
Responses from audio999

preamp vs. no-preamp
Adsal,congratulation you have the BEST DAC in the world.What did you have before? M100? How close the sound compare to the analog ?Sell your Tenor and buy the Ongaku Fuji !Good Luck and love to hear your system. 
From tubes to solid state. What do you loose...
Should I Upgrade My Krells
You said, "These are words which are typically applied by people who have never owned Krell" mean that you don't think John has never heard or owned Krell.Are people who said that have never owned Krell ??I never said or against Krell or Krell's o... 
Should I Upgrade My Krells
Nrchy,congratulation if your Krell's sound good for your ears and you have not found them to be harsh.I bought used FPB300C last year on Audiogon and sold on Ebay 6 weeks later. It was harsh and too forward to my EARS.Harsh for my could be nirvana... 
Accuphase 85 or 75v...or EMC-1?
Jayme,My local friend still has his DP75V,so if you are in LA area,please email me at !We can compare the DP85 with his DP75V side by side and let's your ears be the judge.I know there are several owners of the DP85 who pre... 
Accuphase 85 or 75v...or EMC-1?
Jayme,I have compared the DP75V and DP85 on the redbook side by side couple months ago and heard the new 25 hours DP85 slightly better than DP75V.SACD : Another planet !! 
Tenor amps..."to pre or not to pre"
If you give the Audio Note "Kassai" SET amp 22 watts try/listen,you might sell your Tenor on Audiogon ! 
help with harshness / brightness - cary 303-100
You are missing : Tubes ! 
good/best CD player with variable out
Audio Aero Capitole MKII is highly recommended !AA has high quality analog volume control and high output impedance that would be perfect match with your tube amp or any medium input impedance SS amp.You like having a good tube preamp,DAC,CD trans... 
Albertporter only needs 50
Count me in for six (6) as well. Thanks and where to send the payment ? How much ? 
Natalie, I had own SCD777ES and SCD1 and i heard them played very good on the Redbook. Please don't make him confused if you never own/HEARD the Sony in your system !! I know many people are racist about new format/SACD. Peace. 
Give it SACD try ! I agree that the sony will outperform the rega on redbook and the SACD play back capabilities of the sony are a plus.Buying used player means less loss $$ when you want to resale than buy the new one.Ones you try to play on SACD... 
Best speakers match for BAT VK75 SE
Silverline speakers are perfect for your amp.New Silverline Sonata or if you want to buy used, Silverline La Folia (MSRP $8,000) is in your price range which i prefer more than the Sonata's.Good luck. 
Speaker match for 75 watt Tenor amps
I had the Verity Parsifal Encore for about 15 months before i sold it recently on Audiogon,but i didn't have the Tenor.I have use Jadis JA 250(180W),Cary 805(50W),ML 383(100W SS,I helped my friend to sell it on Audiogon and i tried it for fun),and... 
The Best Amplifier Ever ?
The best one for me is in my room : KR AUDIO KRONZILLA MONOBLOCK.