
Discussions atzen811 has started

Power Conditioner deleterious to digital sources?461010
Great Spooky &/or Melancholic Soundtrack/Classical29369
Being reminded of the big picture...18593
Studio Acoustic Tiles/Panels for listening room?33128
Study finds your Amplifier reveal your personality1397339
Does hotglue affect the ...42343
Arriving soon at your local Boeing Surplus store26963
Are speaker cable connectors THAT important?26533
Review of Monster Cable Sigma 2000 Speaker Cables?58261
Where to get chassis for monoblocks?312210
Any Modded ART DI/O owners out there?25462
OMG I'm gonna kill VideoLogic...30313
Component Upgrade/Mods to share?36636
How to keep housemates from using your rig?379222
Are "Professional Grade" CD players good?33205