
Responses from asonicyouth

What's your profession? Age?
21, Econimics/Finance Student 
Opinions Von Gaylord Chinchilla Interconnects?
i would say they better the SQ-88 G3 cables, but i havea von gaylord preamp as well, so that may have something to do with it 
volume setting for ipod mini hooked to integrated
whe you put the ipod in the ipod base and connect the headphone jack to the base, it outputs a "line level" signal which is what you want. then you dont have to worry about the volume setting 
Warm Detailed Bi-Wire for Magnepan 3.6R
I would cuggest the cardas golden cross, not the golden reference, the cross version is built to add a little warmth 
Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's
I know that they are much lower priced than the 15k stated but i believe that one of the most phenomenal speakers out ther is the Living Voice OBX-R2s. They have wonderful outboard crossovers, and are incredibly musical. I also think that they wou... 
Refined 30-60 watt Tube amp
I also checked out the deHavilland audio gear and it looks very promising. Where can i hear this stuff around NYC? Again thanks for everything 
Refined 30-60 watt Tube amp
Has anyone heard the Graaf GM20 OTL? I have heard good things about it. Also, how about border patrol? Mechans - What is it that you like about the cary 211? 
Refined 30-60 watt Tube amp
The Bat is nice, I used to have one, But i want something a little more neutral, plus the bat still has too much power. Ideal power would be 45 watts. 
new gear vs used gear
everything i have was bought used except one set of interconnects i ordered from europe, my cartridge and my turntable. I guess i feel like when it comes to analog it is easy to damage most of these components, therefore i feel much more comfortab... 
Refined 30-60 watt Tube amp
Yes, Actually i am very interested in the viva amps but i dont know much about them. Anyone with any experience? Also i am not the biggest fan of the Atmasphere OTLs. I prefer the EL509 tube based OTLs such as the transcendant and custom jobs by g... 
Is this why my analog rig isn't so hot?
I agree with the above, as for a better cartridge i would look at the dynavector line. I have an XX-2 and it works wonderfully. Also most of their range is about .23 output so i believe it would be a much closer match to the gain on the phonocube.... 
Monitors $1,000 to $2,000?
BAT VK75 / VK75SE Question
the SE is a SERIOUS step up 
White Stripes...
personally i really enjoy the album "de stijl" some great songs. I agree that white blood cells and elephant are also great albums. I have them all on vinyl and they are probably the band i listen to most. After white stripes my heavy rotation inc... 
suggestions for high quality but inexpensive amps
I absolutely love my sonic frontiers power 2. Picked it up here on the gon for 1850.