
Responses from asctim

Flat screen between speakers, again.
I had good results using absorbers placed inside of and slightly behind the speakers - between the speakers and the TV. These absorbed some of the sound coming off the sides of the speaker before it could hit the TV screen directly. I perceived be... 
When was the first time that you heard great sounding speakers?
For me it was sometime in the late 80s visiting Bradford's Hifi in Eugene, OR. Their line up includes Magnepan and Vandersteen. The Magnepan were magical but I liked the overall balance of the Vandersteen better. Both were well beyond any speakers... 
As much as I try, I just don't get it........
I do find some of these recordings of speakers playing in spaces to be interesting. I don't expect to hear something great, but I am surprised at times how well it comes through, how little room coloration seems to be degrading the sound. If I'm h... 
Classical music, symphony AND planar speakers
Dipoles don't send bass off to the sides, just front to back in the room. Most rooms suffer from "head end ringing," where the bass coming off the sides of the speaker bounces up and down off the ceiling and back and forth side to side off the sid... 
Absorb or Diffuse Behind Listening Position?
The ASC Matrix panel is designed for when you are close up against the rear wall. It was tested by ear and has a combination of absorption and diffusion. 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
maghister said:  And it is a myth to think that tonal accuracy can be separated complety from imaging..I definitely agree with that. I've had my perception of image depth and  spaciousness explode just by tweaking equalizer settings.  
"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that about Simon and Garfunkel recordings. And I agree with Glupson about AM radio and some of those songs, and classical for that matter. As much as I love high fidelity stereo there are times when simple mon... 
A moment when you realized better sound was possible.
In the very early days of CDs I definitely heard some problems with them, although I was instantly enamored with the lack of pops, scratches, wow and flutter, and background hiss. One thing I could hear was a hissing around flutes that I didn't he... 
You can't have too many bass traps...
Mike Lavigne, Just looking at pictures of your amazing room. Where are the bass traps in the back hiding? Is there scrim on the back walls? 
Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time?
 I WAS often a low dollar customer that was not worth the dealer's time. But for the most part I was treated well just because of my enthusiasm for hifi. One shop would encourage me to bring my CDs and listen at length to megabuck systems in the a... 
My room has "zero" slap echo. Do I need room treatments?
Good catch millercarbon! And it brings up a question that I've been wondering about; how is the sound quality in a log cabin? Diffusion should be good indeed, although ideally the logs would be arranged vertically rather than horizontally. It migh... 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
 No matter how much live music is available to me I'll always be captivated by music heard through high quality audio systems. It's a different experience that's built upon the original experience. 
Big Silver Lining in these tough times!
mglik,Yes, that's the secret to a good life, focusing on what really matters. I've heard it said that the big philosophical question is "What do you want?", or something like that. I might rephrase that to "What do you REALLY want?" There are mark... 
Width of Stage
The interesting thing about channel cross talk in LP playback is that it is in reverse polarity, which potentially mimics the effect of stereo widening methods such as Polk SDA and Carver Sonic Holography, except it lacks the time delay and any HR... 
The Forest for the Trees
I go in phases. Sometimes I get excited about trying different things, room treatments, crossover settings, various components, etc. I usually get on these kicks because I read something about lateral reflections or speaker directivity or whatever...