
Responses from as1963

Any cartridges like Shure, but more exciting?
Audio Technica AT440mla. Do a Google search and I doubt you'll see a cart with more fans and virtually no negative reviews.I tracks better than the Shures (using the HiFi News Test LP for objective results), much lower surface noise, great inner-g... 
Mcintosh integrated
I listened to both a 6900 and an C220/MC252 combo. Based on what I heard, it did not take long to decide for the latter for only $1200 extra (the separate combo was on sale that day, but I would have probably gone for it anyway).The C220 tube pre ... 
Mcintosh c220 pre question
I just got my C220 and even though I've tube rolled in the past, I can't imagine doing it on this baby because it sounds so RIGHT with the factory tubes.Even the phono stage is just right for me and I'm not shy about tube rolling in phono stages (...