
Responses from arturos73

Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
Thanks everyone for all of the recommendations. I plan to use The Cable Company lending library to find what works best for my system.  
Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
Thanks Al, sbrownnw and kearney for your recommendations. 
Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
japanjim,Looking to avoid the nosebleed priced cables (hence my $500 cap) and the confirmation bias echo chamber. I'm a bang-for-the-buck type of chap, hence my solicitation of experienced listeners and cable acquirers. 
Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
Thanks for the advice thus far everyone, very helpful. (Although I’m a little uncertain concerning your use of the word "hybrid" in referring to it; is your phono stage a different configuration than what is shown at the link, which is described ... 
Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
Yes, I am pleased with my AQ Rocket 33s, so not looking to upgrade speaker wire. I may take advantage of The Cable Co.'s lending library as that seems the most economical way to compare. Just wondering if I should focus on ICs first before the pow... 
Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
Thanks whart, helpful advice. I agree your way is the preferable means to isolate the best performers. I was hoping others who have used similar components may have already been through this exercise. I ran the amp into the wall before getting the... 
Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
In addition, I am also using a Parks Audio Budgie Hybrid phono amp and using AudioQuest Rocket33 speaker cables.