
Responses from artg

Berning ZH270 Synergy
So Steve (711Smilin) - please do comment on how you like the Berning vis-a-vis the MANY amps you have owned over the years.... 
Berning ZH270 Synergy
Fiddler - i had a vintage pair of Mullard 12AT7's and found it LOVELY. still very detiled and thansparent, but in my system it was far more pleasing than the tele's.... 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
we're working on it, will report back. 
sonny rollins
who cares? That man is one of the last of a long line of saxists who 'get' tonality! Just go! 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Notorioous B.I.G. " the rotweilers by the door,I feed 'em gunpowder,so they can devour,the criminals,tryin to drop my decimals..+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WOW - an audiophile quoting the Notorious BIG - that's worth taking not... 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-IVa
I will chime in here, having met JD on several occasions - he is a class act, and while I dont believe he drinks anymore, he knows audio as well as anybody, and more imprtantantly, is a a "good soul" who would be a real asset to any party you clow... 
Preamp w/ big sound AND extended frequencies ?
ditto the First Sound! 
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???
marco - that is some funny funny stuff. I'm also somewhat amused by the DK-ascination here. It's like reading People or better yet, National Enquirer at the checkout line - "Evil snake boy is born to wharewolf-midget couple!" It's just too juicy t... 
Sweet Neo-Con
Onwhy61 - a more accessible and truly excellent radiohead album you should try is "The Bends." Trust me, its that good 
Sweet Neo-Con
Lest anyone forget the Radiohead album that came out after the 2000 US election called "Hail to the Thief....." 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
im away until 8/15th. 
Power Conditioner to the rescue
Nice write up John, and no need to thank us any longer. I think part of the reason John is having a musical awakening is due in large part to his pariculars: tubed amp, tubed preamp, tubed dac, NBS PC's and MIT IC's, AND the fact that he had all h... 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
Just received my Isoclean Super Focus Power cord, which is amazing, and it will be added to the face-off with Elrod, Kubala, and the Electraglide epiphany at JD's. I am very much looking to this! 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
JD - looking forward to doing exactly what you're proposing! Even the timing is good as Im away all next week. Art 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Guido - allow me to take a moment to pay repsctes. I have seen some VERY insightful posts from you on a vast range of topics. You are the audiophile's audiophile!