
Responses from artg

Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Not that anybody cares what the "big reviewers" do, but Michael Fremer of stereophile, a devout tube nut, uses the Ayre K-1x as his reference preamp. Most people like having tubed preamps to drive their ss amps, but if you can afford the power, or... 
Audio Research vs YBA
I tried a AR LS 25 with my Ayre V-5x amp and had very nice results - I recommend having SOME tube in your system, and it m,ight as well be the preamp (cheaper, less heat less wear/tear than the amp). Try one from your local dealer, and decide for ... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
ok, so not that anybody here cares what I'm doign with the system, but today I joined the 'dark side' - I replaced my beloved Ayre V-5x with an audio research VT100 MK III. Lovely sparkle added to the system, albeit with slightly less resolution t... 
oh, i forgot this one:Jeff Buckley - GRACE 
many many great items isted here. I add only two:1. Bill Evans Trio - Sunday at the Village Vanguard (JVC XRCD version)2. Louis Armstrong & Duke Ellington - The Great Summitt: The master takes (remastered cd version)whether you like jazz or no... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Kurttank - Please tell us all how you like your dedicated power line. 
Dynaudio Confidence C3 vs. SF Guarneri Homage
I ended up buying and LOVING the Guarneri. 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
WHOA - what was I thinking, the Ayre preamp sounds much better running directly into the wall (vs into the P300 multiwave). More dyamic, richer, though perhaps a little noisier. I'll take it! 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Hey Kurt, i have yet to use the preamp WITHOUT the P300, but i will try it. I think this is a little different than a conditioner (which I know Ayre poo poo's), it's a power regererator. It just makes grade A current (vs filtering or modifying it)... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Update: after some listening, I decided to go with the Ayre K-1xe. Overall imaging and transparency champ, with some admirable tube-like qualities, yet no tube hassles. Obviously mates well with the Ayre Amp, and the combo of Ayre and Sonus Faber ... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
thanks again, Rayhall. I concur and would agree with your philophy of listening to as much gear as possible, it's just not always practical. I do have local BAT, Atma-Sphere, VTL, Audio Research, and Ayre dealers, and they do allow for take-home a... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Rayhall-I full appreciate that the First Sound might be as good or better than some of the other preamps on my list, but my source (Levinson 390S) and amp (Ayre V-5x) both perform *much* better when run in full balanced mode. This is a simple fact... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
Thanks for the additional recommendations - there are a TON of good preamps out there - all you need is money. I had read great things abou the First Sound gear, and was considering it, but I have two requirements it (and a few others like CJ, Hov... 
Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE
upon further review, this quest is far from over. Now that Ive had a nice taste for what a good tube preamp would do in my stystem, its now time to check out a few GREAT tube preamps: VTL-7.5, VAC Renaissance, Atma-Sphere MP1, and the Audio Resear... 
Dynaudio Confidence C3 vs. SF Guarneri Homage
appreciate the full disclosure. Haivng seen a pic of the Duo, I'd never ever get something like that past my wife on a purely aestetic basis.....