
Discussions arsh has started

Looking for new DAC: one box or two?661743
Anyone using an HRS platform with VPI Scoutmaster?308512
Are my speakers now the "weak link"?386733
Input impedance of Rowland Continuum S221552
Musical Fidelity KW500 and Rowland Continuum S2623120
System assessment--should I change amps?455218
Power cord for Herron VTPH-220540
Herron VTPH-2 power cord25854
Soundsmith Paua and static electricity30163
Anyone heard HiDiamond phono cables?15020
HiDiamond phono cables?26561
Cartridge upgrade for Scoutmaster/JMW924152
SRV Instrumental tracks and similar artists203410
SDS or phono stage1304360
Turntable upgrade, tweaks, or stay put?1199843