
Discussions arnettpartners has started

entry level bluray?401614
Difference between biampable and non-biampale spea23924
Pictures At An Exhibition CD329112
Review: Harman Kardon HK990 Amplifier7311038
Advantages of bi-wire?833024
HK t-60 motor mounts loose?24104
Comparing HK 3480 to 3485?23580
What CD player compares to NAD C545BEE?592514
Looking for amplifier kits.368811
Does biwiring change impedence?153798
Who makes a 4-way speaker besides Revel?258910
Straight wire and gain linestage?536417
Selector switches?31875
Getting back to members on passive vs active lines42646
A DAC for my H/K HD 7600ll23242