
Responses from argyro

Tidal speakers... particulary Tidal Sunray
I am never listening to Tidals again, since the Sunday experience I cannot enjoy music at home 
Tidal speakers... particulary Tidal Sunray
Yes it was indeed impossible to distinguish the system from live music! I know this statement sounds like I am exaggerating but it Is so true! 
Tidal Speakers owners
Still at Munich due to the volcano problem but cannot believe the sound I heard yesterday in the Tidal room! The most amazing sound I gave heard, amazing cohereness and timbre!!! So so natural sound!! 
Tidal speakers... particulary Tidal Sunray
Friday was indeed not very good but on Sunday EASILY out of this world sound! Don't know what Jorn has done but I think he has found the holy Grail in speaker manufacturing!I'm still in Munich and I can't get over the amazing sound I heard yesterd... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Can you provide a link on the GTE please? 
Verity Audio Sarastro - Anybody heard
Hevac1 do you biwire your Sarastros? I believe than even if the biwiring conditions are not the best (different cables. lengths etc) it is still as a lot better than using them with a single wire and the included jumpers! IMHO this speaker is tran... 
Power Cable for Weiss DAC Medea
Thanks Uberswamy!I used to have them on my Wavacs with excellent results although I never tried them on the sources! 
Verity Audio Sarastro - Anybody heard
Rata3 spot on, I also agree that the Sarastro biwired sounds much better, as you say more coherent with better transparency and musicality. ;)"I also agree with comments about Saratro I is better than Sarastro II. I had the chance to audition them... 
How to tame brightness
Fix your room and your power. 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Weiss Medea ? 
Is there a good 5 disc CD player out there ???
10.000disk cd player, build a music server. 
Tidal Speakers owners
I personally consider the stealth Indra better than the argento flow! That is in direct comparison in my system! 
Which purchase tipped you into nirvana.
Verity Audio Sarastro for sure. 
Tidal Speakers owners
Ok Linkster thanks for the answer! I also think that he actually means lack of bloom, in a bad way I mean! I just wanna make sure I am making the right decision!:)Happy Listening,Mike 
Tidal Speakers owners
Can someone comment on the Tidals having a bit small images and not great body on the instruments? Thats what a friend of mine told me that he read in some German forums....Mike