

Responses from arcam88

Whats playing on your system today?
Peter Gabriel  "Up" 
Whats playing on your system today?
Triumph"In the Beginning" (remastered)     WOW!!!😎 
Obscure brands worth considering
Greatest Rock Drummers
Lots of great choices above! Has anyone ever heard of Mike Portnoy?Not too shabby in my book😜 
Greatest Rock Drummers
Carl Palmer was so far ahead of his time but then again so was ELP!!! 
Whats playing on your system today?
City Boy "The Day the Earth Caught Fire"Great album from a very under-appreciated band! 
(Fun music)
Frank Zappa "Zoot Allures" 
Tune of the Day
Yes "Heart of the Sunrise"https://youtu.be/Y7sVPRaKdv8 
List of artists that have never lost quality throughout entire career
Stevie Ray Vaughan! even though he is long gone, in my opinion he was one of the greatest blues guitarist ever and never did anything subpar. 
Stay away from the nad
I owned an NAD C370 integrated amplifier for nearly 15 years. At times it was worked very hard and for long hours!Many parties😝 never had a peep out of it. Just recently sold it to upgrade and got a decent price out of it for its age.Perhaps quali... 
The Slow Secret Death of the Guitar
chayro is right!But not just The Chainsmokers. Anything in the so-called top 10 or 20 is garbage and pretty much all sounds the same! The crap that passes for music nowadays amazes me!( no Talent or emotion involved)There is still great music out ... 
Tune of the Day
Dire Straits " Private Investigations"Great production as usual!!! And a great tune to help evaluate your system😳https://youtu.be/z-HCrKa1gbw 
Tune of the Day
Blackfoot "Highway Song"https://youtu.be/2mve2ElcpXU 
Tune of the Day
The Outlaws "You are the Show"https://youtu.be/lfVAFJNE7jw 
Obscure bands
Believe me I want the real versions but they don't come cheap! thanks for the info.