
Responses from aporigine

sunfire amps good??
If you like the sound of your speakers, getting newer ones would be a roll of the dice. In the pricce range, I would also look at McCormack amps.cheers apo 
Best matching amp for Wilson W/P6, any sudgestions
Free recco (and worth every penny:)Pass X.5 or XA- similar design philosophy to SpectralGamuT - very fleet-footed ss amps. I liked the sound with Maggies and AP Virgos ... I can't imagine them choking on Wilsons.cheers apo 
When will your system be enough?
I'm close - so very close - I can feel it... 
Best female vocals on CD
Can such a thread be complete without mentioning Eydie Gorme? "The Look Of Love"...Donna Summer. Wonderful voice trapped in the sticky resin of 70s pop.Honorable mention: the alto section if the Choeur de l'Orchestre de Paris. Barenboim conducts S... 
Two-Year-Olds and Turntables...
Fortunately my kids are old enough that they know that to touch my stereo guarantees a serious readjustment of their VTF (especially when they later try to sit). If I had a baby or toddler to worry about, I'd put something big and/or heavy on top ... 
Finding Pure Water for Record Cleaning - very long
Justin,just found this. I salute you. As a retired lab chemist, it's nice to find someone who is literate about this end of our hobby ... in re a matter that is much more important than vacillating over premium interconnects.PM me for my favorite ... 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
Retentive, bad? Oh my. I am constrained to confess that I prefer anal retention to the unpleasantly messy alternative.cheers apo 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
I could a been a contenda... :-) 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
That's sort of my situation. I buy used gear that conforms with what I remember from when I did hang out in retail shops. Most of them looked at me (worn jeans, Harley shirt) and treated me indifferently. One shining exception was this fellow in B... 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
Personally I applaud manufacturers who set and stick to geographic restrictions. These manufactureres rely on a retailer network to put the product "on show" for the consumers. Those dealers need to be protected. A manufacturer who had a dealer ne... 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
Folks who won't negotiate.Folks who price their gear out of proportion to recent sale prices. Folks who state "fair and/or firm" pricing. That's for the buyer to decide!Folks who abuse the quite strict Condition Scale.Folks who don't CLEARLY list ... 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
Addendum.I spent some time goofing off and reading some other responses. I'm a little surprised nobody has rewired their Jag's ignition with Stealth Indra ... (ducking)Best car I ever owned was my '98 Bim M3, e36 four-door five-speed. (Waited 18 m... 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
aporigine checking in1) Minimalist Mazda pickup, 4cyl, 5spd, vinyl (analog?) seats, 28mpg hiway. AM/FM radio, no cassette or CD. Playing Classic Rock or NPR. 2) Some USA sport-oot for Soccer Mom duty. Will allow XM to lapse.3a: Ferrari 575 Maranel... 
Compromises (recording quality)
My$.02:If it's a rock recording, usually there is only one version. If it's bad, you're sort of stuck with it. Sometimes an "audiophile remaster" can be had for more money, e.g. of Pink Floyd. This may or may not be more satisfying than the "regul... 
what kind of audiophile are you ?
#1? Ab-so-tively!! Major gearhead checking in. #2? Well kind a. I am finally growing up enough to realize how very pewrsonal and subjective perfection is.#3? Ya that's nice, but it's more #4: Dynamics and harmonics. I like to be able to dissect th...