Responses from aolprodj
Review: Magnepan Magneplanar 3.7 Speaker everything is inside the walls and floor the room was custom built it gets very warm but it does the job.[ | |
Adequacy of Mac MC7300? I got my 3.7's today all I Can say is wow what a speaker all you Mac Fans hold on to your gear these speakers sound fantastic with my Mac gear,402 C2300 Mye stands these speakers live up to the hype I have had maggies for 30 years these are the be... | |
Adequacy of Mac MC7300? I use the Mac C2300 tube preamp and Mac 402 with my 3.6'SI like the combo. Please try it your self and let your ears be the judge.I have 3.7's on order and will get them Friday I will not give up my Mac gear for any thing,It got me off the merry g... | |
Magnepan 3.7 Check The Audio Beat.Com mini review | |
Maggie 1.7's? Try the Mac's with anti cables they do it for me got me off the merry go round. | |
Maggie 1.7's? The reason is they are busy enjoying the music.I had a MA6900 with a pair of Maggie 3A'S It was ok not great,the MA7000 Was very good.Love my Maggies I had 3A'S for twenty years now have the 3.6R | |
Maggie 1.7's? Wow I use a Mac 402 and a Mac 2300 tube preamp with my maggies I love the sound. I don't care what people tell you let Your ears be the judge. | |
McIntosh MC402 - Best tube preamp? I have the C2300 402 McIntosh with my Maggies it got me off the merry go round. | |
TrippLite hospital grade power stripe I use a Tripp-lite power protection see my system it does the job. | |
Anyone tried pro-audio XLR mike cable in system ? I use a 30 foot run of Monster cable Performer 500 with XLR connectors.Mcintosh 2300 tube preamp Macintosh 402 power amp I love the sound. | |
What's your best audio "find" Behringer Truth B2031A HIGH-Resolution,Active 2-Way ReferenceStudio Monitors $360.00 THE BEST BUY IN AUDIO. | |
Best speaker cables for longer runs I use Anti-Cables for a 30 foot run I love them see comments in my system. | |
mcintosh 501's vs. mcintosh 7000? The 70000 IS A GREAT AMP THE BEST INT/MAC HAS EVER MADE | |
The best speakers to pair with McIntosh MA7000 ? Try the MAGNEPAN 3.6r if you have the room for them I used them with my MA700 they sound fantastic.I had a MA6900 the MA7000 is better hands down in every way. | |
Mcintosh 501 monoblocks vs. 402 well.. I have a Mcintosh Ma7000 with my Maggie 3.6's and it sounds wonderful I can listen for hours fatigue-free,the sound is never analytical it just sounds like music.My room is 12x19x9 with in wall treatments,mye stands & rel 505. |