
Responses from aolmrd1241

PS Audio DirectStream DAC measurements by ASR
It had a good run but the firmware updates are now no longer on the DSD. Have to wait for a DSD 2...  
PS Audio FR-30 Speaker...
Ready to go...$28,499/pair  
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment
Shunyata Everest 8000 powered by the Sigma v2 XC and a loom of Alpha v2 NR's for everything else...then jaw hit floor!!!  
Would you sell for cash?
I’ve sold quite a few items for cash only when the buyer wanted to do a in person pickup at my residence. But truth be told... I felt pretty confident of having the buyers over by reason of good feedback.ymmv  
Best SS Amp - Pass Labs X350.8 vs. Luxman M900u vs. Ayre VX-R Twenty
Your way of thinking reminds me of      
Best SS Amp - Pass Labs X350.8 vs. Luxman M900u vs. Ayre VX-R Twenty
riaa said...”Yep you wont find the Coda16 used because not enough people buy them. Probably due to poor re-sale value” OR.....because people like them so much they don’t want to part with them...  
No Insurance with FEDEX as of 11/01
So...if fed-x or ups does not pack the item themselves.. and it is damaged.. the result is... you get diddly squat for your so called declared value money payola... What a racket!!! 
Who will soon be going to a live concert?
I think we can all learn a lesson from former President George W. Bush’s recent speech in Shanksville, PA... Without doubt,we as Americans all cherish our freedom...past, present, and future...but for that hard fought surely always com... 
SIMPLY AMAZING: Coda Technologies 07x Preamplifier
My O7x is dead quiet without issue! sounds as if yours needs to go back to the mother ship for a reboot... 
PS Audio FR-30 Speaker...
You are very welcome... 
PS Audio FR-30 Speaker...
Jetter... that was the old design concept number. Paul already mentioned $25,000.00 ballpark figure! 
PS Audio FR-30 Speaker...
Here’s a better photograph...scroll down some. 
The Absolute Sound...Luxman D10X review.
George...take my word for it...redbook is phenomenal...if the recording is also! The Luxman sound has the best of both analog and digital rolled into one fine musical presentation... 
The Absolute Sound...Luxman D10X review.
roxy54...just a heads up to anyone interested... 
melm...Some cd players today do support streaming..with digital in’s and out’ my Luxman. Not as archaic as you think.