
Responses from aolmrd1241

Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
I own the Dialogue Premium preamp. It is a superb music making machine for the money...that is...any money!!  Its been in my system for almost two years, with zero issues. The biggest complement I can make regarding the PL would be I have had no d... 
Primaluna dialogue premium HP tube rolling suggestions to reduce brightness
Meiatflask... The Naim kit has been known to add a bit of treble emphasis in some applications. With that said,I would try a pair of the NOS Mullard 4003’s as already mentioned. They definitely can tame the highs a bit and also add a 
Primaluna dialogue premium HP tube rolling suggestions to reduce brightness
The Naim preamp could be the culprit...just saying.  
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Saw Buddy Guy and his blues band last evening... In a word...S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R !!! Do yourself a favor and go see the man/ can thank me later for the heads-up...  ;^) 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
"The best drug  to enhance your listening experience?"What else!!!!!  Love the bubbles!!!!! 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt,are you still using redbook as the de facto reference for all of your listening sessions or have you also incorporated high res into the mix? Seeing this thread is three years old and the original basis is/was for "absolute top tier dac for s... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
A new morsel on PS Audio’s DirectStream Memory Player and DAC  from Tone Audio... 
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably?
sfall said..."Not if you had a coke problem."New Coke,Classic or Diet ?   ;)    
How much does tube brand REALLY affect sound in terms of rectifier tubes?
As rodman99999 replied, the  Philips 5R4GYS is a wonderful sounding tube and I do have a pair that I switch out on occasion[in my pre] with the Brimar military CV717/5R4GY. The Brimars sound more open and organic than the Phillips but not as det... 
Best full range loudspeaker for the used price of 10 to 13,000 dollars
Sonus Faber Olympica IIIs,as others have mentioned, are a really special loudspeaker system when used within their design parameters. Give them what they need to sound their best... and magic happens with a flick of a switch.    
Tune of the Day
Donovan  ..."Sunshine Superman 
Wilson New Speaker Master Chronosonic
$47,950,000 for 70 speaker systems. ah!!!  life is good in Wilson country.  
What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
Klee Acoustics replaced my Kimber Kable Monocle XL’s...By comparison... the Kimbers sounded broke... ie; closed in,lacking in image,sound-staging,resolution, and tone. Of course,this is with my ears and my equipment. ymmv 
Tune of the Day
Martin Sexton..."Candy" 
strengths and weaknesses
Never listened to the Focal Sopra 2’s... but I do own the SF Olympica 3’s. Best sounding speakers I have ever owned...they are plain superb across the board. Feed them the quality power and source they so deserve...and they will perform magic in y...