
Responses from anthonya

wooden tonearm. cld diy
so it's could be just wood? how bout sleeving the cable with cotton?what do you think about ceramic tube internal wall? those ceramic headshell sound awfully nice.  
Biggest bang for the buck in retipping a new Denton DL103R
Lyra.. make sure u got a good tonearm or tt suitable for it. my 2 cents.  
Biggest bang for the buck in retipping a new Denton DL103R
every suspension is designed for a particular stylus design and mass . so.. chances are it may or may not be better. since the damping and force per contact area changes. what do you think it would perform? that's entirely up to own judgment. Ther... 
New Cartridge Time
goldring mm is a great one. but suites medium mass. quite difficult to setup. rega a bit tough to setup vta. maybe look at otello? by ss 
What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps? 🤔
OK Raul thanks. this is difficult getting hunting for vintage. 
Record Cleaner Advice?
any idea when this humming guru is available?  
What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps? 🤔
@chakster good to know. Any carts that worth its time using jico?  
What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps? 🤔
@rauliruegas thanks for info.I had been looking for xsv5000. 800 dollars with original stylus. can't afford that yet. I had tried jico stylus on other Stanton. it's horrid. wonder if it's the same case?  
Stylus Microscope
find Michael fremer you tube.  
Stylus Microscope
invaluableazimuth checkalso sometimes the mounting of diamond is not exactly normal. eliminate Alot of guesswork on sra  especially fine stylus. especially when we are still not used to align by ears at least get them on spec first It's cheap inve... 
What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps? 🤔
oh my friend does appreciate your post.. he actually owned most of the lomc carts you mention. sme. goldmund. pushma. reeds.dr fecker. etc etc most of the hi end tt he had before. your point is proven and got acrossed loud and clear. thank you 
What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps? 🤔
actually I heard also very good MCIt's the 10k region to 100hz region that have the tendency to be bleached out, and noise vibration issue .. so unless we know what we are doing and take care of this . it generally won't sound better than MM. mm h... 
What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps? 🤔
@chakster thank you for listing out. I always wondered what's the fuss.I'm one that agree with your thoughts on this had a friend for experiment with very expensive gear and Mc setup. tried a high end mm. it just blew his mind with 1/7 th of the c... 
Victor ua-77
I'm a bargain hunter lol  
Victor ua-77
I have Stanton 780.grace f9 with iffy stylus if I get a great arm I will get a replacement stylusepc 205 CiiL akg p25 otw epc 205 mk 2 680eee also waiting for arm before i get styluswell I own a Sony tts 8000 without a working arm now.also in proc...